60. Delicate

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Lin Fan's POV

I let out a long sigh as I looked at Y/n beside me. Her head is resting on my shoulder as we rode a bus to school. I was so worried about her last night. We all were. I mean, she doesn't just run out for no reason and it was the first time that Aunt Hua had called me up because of that.

"Is it really bad?" Yu Yan whispered from my other side.
"I don't know, Yu Yan. I saw her basically bawling her eyes out in the street. I've never seen her cry that hard." I answered.

"What do you think happened to her? She was just fine the last time we saw her." She sighed, face full of worry.

"I haven't asked her. I think we should just let her take her time. It seems deep." I mumbled.
"I told her we can just stay home but she said she doesn't want to be cooped up." I added.

"Lee Y/N, what the hell happened to you?" Yu Yan breathe out.

I just shook my head as I, too, don't know the answer. Nor do I have any ideas about it. I closed my eyes and rested my head against Y/N's. I'm still a bit sleepy. I guess anyone would be if they only had a limited amount of sleep.

We were up most of the night. We were lucky enough that mom is away on a business trip to question us. Y/N didn't really talk much and just silently cried. Even when I offered her some ice cream. I didn't want to ask her since she might just cry more. And that scenario went on until she was finally able to fall asleep.

"Wake up, we're here." I felt Yu Yan nudge me and the bus came to a stop.
"What? It felt like just five seconds. So unfair." I groaned and rubbed at my eyes.
"Well, news flash. That's how life is. Now wake Y/N up." She replied, making me huff.

I turned to Y/N and she's still in the same position as she was in earlier. I proceeded to shake her up. At first, she just let out a small groan but as I continued to do it over and over, she finally sat up straight.

"Wake up, Y/N. We're in Southshire High already." I spoke softly.
"W-what?" She mumbled as she rubbed at her face.
"We're already in school." I repeated.

She was quiet for a while as she seemed to remember where we are. She sighed lowly and ran a hand through her hair. "R-right. It really wasn't just a dream, huh?"

I merely hummed in answer to her. It's so new and strange to see her acting like this. So low and just sad. Like she's been sucked off all the happiness. Of course, she's almost always expressionless most of the time. But I prefer that over this. I don't think anyone would want to see their friend sad.

Y/N stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, making Yu Yan and I do the same thing. She looks a bit surprised to see Yu Yan already with us, but she said nothing about it and just gave Yu Yan a tiny, almost non-existent smile as we walked to the front.

"Don't smile if you don't feel like it, okay? It just makes us worry more." Yu Yan muttered as she put her arm over Y/N's shoulder.
"And you don't need to tell us anything if you don't want to. We'll just be here." I added and overlapped my arm over Yu Yan's.

"A-alright. But I'm okay. Really." Y/N said quietly and all three of us know that she's lying. And that she's not really fine. But we didn't say anything about it and just nodded along with what she said.

All three of us quietly walked towards the front and exited the bus. It was just like any other day in school. But students look a bit livelier as it's already the end of the week. Y/N is still so quiet. But unlike usual, a cold aura is going off her in big waves and it's slightly scary.

"Y/N, have you eaten breakfast? I have some muffins if you're hungry." Yu Yan offered as she searched her bag.

Strange. She usually only have corn or salads packed in her bag. The answer came as she pulled out a clear container of egg muffins with vegetables in them. Of course. Everyone should've expected it to be something healthy. I mentally facepalmed. I think giving Y/N that will just make her sadder.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora