50. What It's Like

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Yuxin's POV

"Tall, blonde and gorgeous..." Xiaotang mumbled in what I can only assume as amusement.

I blinked repeatedly; mind lost in its wanderings as I watch Y/N jog away with Yu Yan. Her proclamation of liking people who are tall, blonde and gorgeous, left us in silence. Even Lin Fan seems surprised about it. Had she not known? Maybe.

The silence that swallowed us like a bubble, was popped as Keran suddenly let out a loud, boisterous laugh. Obviously, our attention went to her, wondering what made her suddenly laugh like a maniac. Right. That might be, because she is one. She slapped her thigh before her eyes landed on me.

"Do you want me to dye your hair now?" She spoke, still stuck in her amused state.

My brows started to meet in confusion, before my eyes narrowed in on her. Getting a clue that I got what she's trying to say, she let out a few more laughs. Xiaotang is in the same state and they started to snicker together, while Lin Fan remained quiet. Her amusement shown through the grin she wore.

"Aren't you so happy?" I grumbled in sarcasm as I glared at them.
"Don't be so snappy, at least you qualified for the two others." Xiaotang reached over to give me a pat but I just slapped her hand away in annoyance.

I didn't say anything back in retaliation towards them. Just merely glaring at them as they continued to poke fun at me. Given, I don't really know what to say. Maybe it's the annoyance at them, that's stopping me. Or maybe it was the disappointment that's slowly making its existence known.

A few seconds passed and it seems like they finally noticed my unusual lack of reply. Their laughter slowly came to a stop and they all looked at me. Catching Keran's knowing eyes, I rolled mine. I know very well that they'll either laugh at my face again or suggest stupid ideas. No line in between.

"For the record, you're already tall. At least taller than Y/N and considerably, you're good looking. Blonde's all that you're missing." Xiaotang commented and eyed my hair.
"So what do you say we bleach it and watch as some hair falls?"

"Okay, hold on. How are we even sure that Y/N's telling the truth?" Keran interjected.
"She wasn't." Lin Fan, whom I almost forgot is with us, said and shook her head.

"How do you know?" Xiaotang asked and rose a brow.
"She's Y/N's best friend, you idiot." I pointed out with a groan at her stupid question.
"Oh, right."

"If someone knows Y/N's ideal, it's her. What's her type then, Fanfan?" Keran turned to Lin Fan and scooted closer to her, for reasons I know isn't just for hearing her better.

"Well, I don't really know since we don't really talk about it. More like she doesn't talk about it. She did start to like someone last November, but well, she changed her mind. But I'm pretty sure her ideal isn't tall, blonde and gorgeous." Lin Fan answered as we stayed silent and just took it all in.

"Is that someone, Yuxin? They did start to fight that month." Keran spoke up before she turned to look at me.
"Maybe she was starting to like you but changed her mind because you didn't really act pleasant with her."

I stared at her, my mind taking in what she just said. I pursed my lips. Is that really the case? It's not really farfetched and I really was unpleasant with Y/N a few months ago.

"No, it isn't Liu Yuxin... frankly, Y/N doesn't really care about you. Then you two decided you hate each other, out of nowhere and yeah... here we are." Lin Fan answered. Right, I'm surprised that they don't know the real reason why Y/N and I were fighting in the first place.

"Wait, but didn't she date a girl from Northside High? And then I remember that the girl dumped her right here in-"

My eyes narrowed and I cut Xiaotang off with a hard whack on the head. I rolled my eyes as she nearly fell face first on the ground as she groaned in pain. I feel like it's intrusive to ask those questions but I do admit that I also feel a bit curious.

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