59. Where You Left

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"Are you avoiding me?"

My earphones was yanked out of my ears. I jolted and stopped walking. My brows furrowed and my mouth twitched. Ready to spew out a speech long complaint. But as I turned to my side and saw Yuxin standing there and looking at me blankly, it all died in my throat.

"W-what did you say?" I stuttered before wincing and clearing my throat.
"And don't sneak up on me like that!"

Through my embarrassment, I managed to change up the topic and scold her. But despite that, her expression didn't change and she remained looking at me blankly. Truthfully, I really didn't hear too well earlier as I was wearing my headphones.

"Are you avoiding me, Y/N?" She asked and I blinked at her a couple of times. Mildly taken aback.
"What? Don't be ridiculous, Yuxin. I'm not avoiding you." I replied as I tugged my earphones from her.

I continued walking then, hands fumbling with the cord. If I put them on, then that would just prove Yuxin right about her suspicion. From a little behind, I heard her let out a groan before she caught up with me. Though she didn't say anything, her gaze on the side of my head was enough giveaway that she's observing and it's hard not to yield under her stare.

I can't really say that I've been avoiding her. Well, maybe a bit. But most times, it's unintentional because of my schedule. I guess I've just been a bit cautious and uncertain with how to act with her.

It's now Thursday. Two days have passed since that strange happening in the theater hall. And still then. I haven't got a clue why I felt that way. I still don't understand my own brain. But one thing's for sure and that's I don't want that feeling to return again. It felt plain horrible.

"You are avoiding me! It's what now? Thursday. And we haven't talked since Monday." She pointed out with a huff and I shook my head.
"No I'm not. Why would I even avoid you? It's just a coincidence that I'm really busy these days." I denied.

"Y/N, I practically sit next to you every time in lunch and free periods to talk to you and you always find an excuse to move seats. How do you explain that then?" She scoffed, making me glance at her.

For a moment, I'm questioning why it's such a big deal to her. But I guess my actions for the past days have been questionable and it's only towards her. I let out a small sigh as I continued to play with my earphones while trying to come up with excuses. I can't possible tell her straight up that she made me feel weird.

"You're just thinking too much, Yuxin. It's just all a coincidence." I mumbled.
"I'm not dumb to believe that. It started on Monday. Did something happen?" She insisted and it triggered the memory in my mind, making me unconsciously scowl.

"I'm sorry." She then said, making me look at her in surprise, the scowl disappearing from my face.

"W-wait, what? Why are you saying sorry?" I asked, looking at her in confusion.

"I don't know... I just feel like I should say sorry to you. There's definitely some reason as to why you're being like this. And I'm sorry if I caused it... for whatever it is." She mumbled again and as she spoke, my jaw dropped in surprise.

I cleared my throat and brushed a hand through my hair to gather my thoughts. Why is she apologizing like this is her fault and she owes me? Shouldn't I be the one doing that? I started to feel bad. This isn't fair. She's breaking all my walls in and I can't even do anything.

"Look..." I started, trailing off in search of what's next.
"You don't have anything to say sorry for, Yuxin. I really was busy and didn't notice. I should be the one saying sorry to you."

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