SC 3. Jinx It

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"Come on, Y/N. Just a couple more steps." I mumbled to myself as I jogged up the stairs.

I am in fact, not late for today's classes. But I will be if I don't hurry up. I am in the rush this morning, hence the hair in a messy bun and frazzled appearance. I adjusted my bag and tried to fix up my clothes as much as I can as I continued going up the stairs.

"Finally." I breathe out as I stepped into the fourth floor.

"Good morning!"

I yelped and jumped as somebody popped from the side. I clutched my chest and I feel my heart pounding under my hand. I breathe deeply and saw Yuxin smiling sweetly at me. I think she somehow developed a liking to scaring the soul out of me by randomly appearing out of nowhere.

"You scared me!" I breathe in deeply and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"I told you thousands of times, don't sneak up on me." I huffed.

"I'm sorry. I got way too excited... Good morning!' She cheerfully said before she's pulling me into a hug.

"Good morning. Aren't you cheery today." I greeted and hugged her back, the frown disappearing from my face and being replaced by a soft smile.

"I am! I have a gut feeling that today's great." She answered and pulled away.
"Well, let's hope you're right." I replied with a nod.
"And we should head to class." I added and gestured towards our classroom.

With that, we continued our way to the class. It was quiet, really. And I don't think there's much to talk about, anyway. I spared her a confused glance as I noticed how she would constantly look my way as we walked. I rose my brows in silent question and she just blushed before turning away. What?

"Umm... do you have something to say?" I asked and looked at her expectantly.
"No. It's nothing." She answered but my confusion only heightened as her cheeks became flushed.
"Okay, then." I mumbled.

I didn't question her anymore. I don't want to embarrass her or anything. Still then, she continued on with the glancing and I would hear her let out a small sigh every now and then. It's honestly starting to weird me out. Why can't she just say whatever she wants to or what's on her mind?

"Okay, Yuxin. Just say it." I finally said as a couple moments passed and she didn't stop.
"Can... can I..." She began and trailed off.

"Can you, what?" I pressed but she just scrunched up her face and tilted her head away.
"Hey, why are you acting weird?" I asked and poked her side.

"Y/N..." She whined out quietly and rubbed her nape.
"What?" I asked in confusion.

At this point, we both came to a stop. With me, watching her in confusion as she continued to fidget. What could it be to make her act like this shy girl instead of her usual confident persona? I heard her let out a huff before she gestured for me to come closer to her.

"I'll whisper it to you." She said once she noticed my confused stare.
"Oh, okay..."

I leaned closer to her and looked up at her in expectation. A small smile slowly stretched her lips as she looked back at me. What now? Didn't she say she has something to say? Then why is she still quiet and unmoving?


My intention to question her any further was cut off as she swiftly leaned down and placed her lips on mine. Almost immediately, it felt as though all the blood in my body rushed up to my face. Before I could even do anything, she already pulled away, face flushed pink as she bit her lips and smiled.

"I... what?" I dumbly blinked back at her, face hot and all.
"Ahh, you're look really cute." She nearly coos.

Her grin widened as she reached over and suddenly cupped my face, fingers pinching my cheeks as she continued gushing. While I just stood there and just let her be, too flushed and feeling giddy to stop her. She let out a sigh before she's once again pulling me into a hug and squeezing.

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