SC 8. What Goes On

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Yuxin's POV

"Ah! I'm really hungry!" Keran yelled out as she rested her hands on the back of her head.
"Would you stop whining? We're just about five blocks away." Yu Yan answered back in a drawl.

"And knowing those two, Lin Fan and Y/N, they haven't even done anything yet." She added.

"Huh? Don't they know how to cook?" Xiaotang asked, brows knitted. As if she's one to talk. She doesn't even know how to cook and she can't boil water without anything setting on fire.

"They can, just that those two only eat when they feel like it." Yu Yan huffed.

We are now on our way to Y/N's house for lunch and to hang out. At least that's what Keran and Xiaotang told me. Of course, I agreed. It's not like I have something else to do. Except maybe sleep the whole day. But I know I'm bound to get bored and unproductive if I stay at home all day. It definitely has nothing to solely do with Y/N.

My train of thoughts of self assurance was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. I turned to the others in reflex. It was coming from Yu Yan. We didn't cease walking as she pulled out her phone. I turned away then, it isn't my business anyway.

The slightly cold breeze brushed past us every now and then, filling our lungs with fresh air and made me see my breath in smoke. The cold has yet to pass and I couldn't say that I don't enjoy it. It made an excuse for constant physical attention and snuggles. Things I would've never thought I would want as much as I do now.

"Who's it?" Xiaotang, being her overly nosy self, asked Yu Yan.
"It's Y/N, I wonder what's up." Yu Yan replied.

The name easily caught my attention and I glanced Yu Yan's way before I could even stop myself from doing it. I slowly turned curious as to why Y/N would call her when we're basically just three houses away from them. Even then, I chose to keep my curiosity to myself and not ask any questions.

"Hey, Y/N." Yu Yan greeted as she accepted the call.

"Ugh, hey Yu Yan. I'm really busy right now. Can I call you back?" I heard Y/N say from the other line.

"You're busy?" Yu Yan said, voice laced with disbelief and also confusion.
"You're the one who called-"

"Okay, Yu Yan. Bye!" Y/N cut her off and with that, the call ended.

"What a brat..." Yu Yan grumbled before she pocketed her phone.
"Maybe they're pulling pranks on people again." Keran suggested.

"No shit. It's Amber, Lin Fan and Y/N. Those three are no good together." Yu Yan nonchalantly answered.

"Anyway, we're here!" Xiaotang announced and we all came to a stop.

"Eh, why so quiet, Yuxin?" Keran asked and nudged me as we walked to the front door. I didn't bother answering and just gave her a look.

She knows well that I am not one for small talks. Or any talks at all for that matter. It's not like I have something to say anyway. I didn't miss the weird look that she gave me before she groaned and just shook her head as she turned away. Xiaotang, who must've seen the whole thing, let out a laugh and smacked Keran on the shoulder.

"Nice try." She commented with an amused laugh.
"Tsk. As if she'll stay quiet once she's with Y/N." Keran pointed out.

"Shut up." I glared at the two of them but Keran just laughed my warning off and Xiaotang stuck her tongue out at me. I looked at them in annoyance. Why are they so childish?

Yu Yan rang the door bell and the four of us waited for someone to let us in. A couple moments, too long, passed and still, nothing. Does Y/N even know that we're all coming over? Because it doesn't seem like it. Yu Yan stepped up to the door and rang the bell again, brows nearly meeting in impatience.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang