SC 18. Codes For Days

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Lin Fan's POV

Turns out, I was wrong. Oh, so very wrong. A week has passed. Seven days and things aren't changing. If not, it's only getting worse. It's clear as water that whatever is happening between Yuxin and Y/N is not good. It's making everything so tensed and awkward.

I don't think they even talked or even looked at each other for the past days. Y/N had gone back to her usual old self. She's colder now. It's not just Yuxin that she haven't talked to, it also include the rest of us. But it seems like she doesn't even have the time to, as she's always busy and all over the place.

It's now lunch. Like for the past days, Y/N isn't eating with us. But Yuxin is here. And so, so quiet. I'm even so reluctant to make the slightest noise. Even Keran and Xiaotang are unusually quiet. Yu Yan, there's no changed as she's almost always quiet and just observing.

"Coming through! Excuse me!"

I looked up from my tray and saw Keyin running through the crowd to get to the line. I think she's the only one that Y/N has been with since she is her secretary. If someone knows what Y/N is doing, it's her.

"Erm, excuse me." I mumbled and stood up from my seat to go and talk to Keyin.
"I'm going too." Yu Yan said and also stood up.

The two of us left the table and the other three to walk towards Keyin who is trying to get ahead on the line. I guess Y/N's still in a bad mood. That would explain why Keyin is in such a hurry.

"Hey, do you mind if I go before you? The life of the whole Drama Club kinda rely on this." Keyin asked the boy in front of her, who turned back in confusion. "I have to get some food for President Lee before she skips lunch."

"Oh, e-erm, sure..." The boy answered before stepping to the side.
"Thank you!"

"Keyin!" I called out as I jogged to walk next to her.
"Oh hey, Lin Fan. What's up?" She answered as she started to pick out some food.
"I just wanna ask about Y/N." I answered and pursed my lips.

"Oh, sure. Go ahead then, shoot." She nodded as she gave the tray to the lunch lady. "Just these please, and to go."

"She haven't talked to us for days now." Yu Yan commented and crossed her arms. "Not even through the phone." She added and I nodded along.

"Oh, President Lee is very busy these days. Her schedules are always packed." Keyin answered as she picked up another bottle of apple juice.
"She's that busy that she can't even pick up her phone?" Yu Yan huffed in disbelief.

"I swear... It's actually unbelievable. But don't worry, she's just doing this so she can be free of tasks earlier. In fact, she'll be free all morning tomorrow." Keyin said as she paid for the food. "Thank you." She bowed as she took the bag from the lunch lady.

"Can't you tell her to meet us later and talk? And tell her not to skip her meals." Yu Yan said again and Keyin awkwardly scratched her head.

"See, I'm not really sure if I could do that. We've been in code gray for eight days now leaning more to code black than white. We're too afraid to trigger her. So yeah... I think you should just wait..." Keyin trailed off.

"And I don't know about you guys, but President Lee has been really weird. Sometimes we would catch her staring into space and looking like she's about to break down and cry. And so out of it. I think she's fully booking herself to distract herself from something."

"Liu Yuxin." I mumbled before turning back to our table. That would explain a lot of things.

"Ooh~ makes sense as to why we never see her visit President Lee anymore. Some rumors even say that they've already broken up." Keyin said before shrugging. "Anyway, I gotta go now. President Lee only has a thirty-minute break. Bye!" With that, she waved at us before rushing out of the cafeteria door.

Yu Yan and me were quiet for a few seconds. I'm trying to figure out and piece together all of these things. While Yu Yan, I can't tell what she's thinking about. Probably deducing again as she would call the act of reading body language.

I'm slightly worried for Y/N. She might overwork herself to exhaustion again. All for the sake of distracting herself from all the things that are going on with her life. May it be really about Yuxin or not. And she's so hard to reach now. The situation is in her favor as she really has a lot of things to do. A lot of distraction.

"Do you think they really broke up?" I whispered to Yu Yan.
"Honestly, it couldn't be false. It would explain why they act like how they do." She answered bluntly and I pursed my lips. Yu Yan is never wrong when it comes to observing.

"But they can't possibly do that. It hasn't even been full two months..." I muttered in disbelief. They were pining for about 3 whole months and their relationship ended in just a month and a few days?

"Stage one is always denial." Yu Yan nonchalantly said and walked back to our table, leaving me no choice but to follow her.

Back at our table, only Keran and Xiaotang are left. Yuxin was gone and her tray has already been cleared out. What's weird is that the two others are still so quiet and they seem to be in the state of shock about something.

"Yuxin spoke..." Xiaotang trailed off.
"Eh? What did she day that's so shocking?" Yu Yan asked as we sat again.

"I think she just said that her and Y/N unofficially... broke up?" Keran mumbled and my eyes widened as I hurriedly scooted closer to her.
"They did? They're not the endgame?" I muttered, more disappointed than anything.

"You need to get your priorities straight. I swear to god. Be more concerned why it happened." Yu Yan pointed out and her eyes narrowed on me and I only managed to huff in answer.

"Well, she didn't really say that they already broke up. But they fought and it didn't end well." Xiaotang said and scratched her head. "Though they technically didn't break up yet, it might happen soon. From what she said, I could only assume that the fight isn't just an ordinary one. I mean, they haven't talked for a week."

"So... what now?" I mumbled as we looked at each other in confusion.
"It's not like we can do anything, Fanfan. Those two are hot-tempered." Keran replied.

"If they break up, there's no chance they'll get together again." Yu Yan said bluntly, making me turn to her and hit her arm.
"Why are you so negative?" I complained and she just gave me a blank look before raising a brow.

"We both know Y/N, Lin Fan. She despise mistakes and accidents. Her walls are already high as is. When she gest hurt, it's hard to go pass that wall again. No matter who did her wrong..." She trailed off as she flicked a grape, making it fall on the table.

"It's game over."

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