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I took a deep breath in hopes of calming myself down. As my rage slowly came down and I was finally thinking straight, I froze. What did I just say? No. that wasn't supposed to come out like that. But she likes me too. That's what she said, right?

I slightly stepped back and nearly wobbles as I looked up at Yuxin. Her teary eyes are now wide in astonishment, lips slightly parted. I swallowed as I waited for her to say something. I haven't been this nervous in so long. Time passed and we were both still so quiet. And it's starting to make me doubt if I should've said that or not.

"W-what?" She uttered out. I looked away and pursed my lips.
"Forget it, that was so stupid." I mumbled as I looked down.

I bit my lips in frustration and humiliation. I need to install some filters to this goddamned mouth. I let out a small sigh and with that, I turned away from her. I want the ground to just open up and swallow me so I can escape this embarrassment and pretend I don't even exist.

A couple of steps wasn't even made before I was already being pulled back. A small yelp slipped past as I turned so I won't fall on my back. The next moment, I have my head resting against Yuxin's shoulder.

"Please... don't walk away again." She pleaded quietly.

I bit at my lips as her arms wrapped around my shoulder and she pulled me closer, making me drown more and more in her scent and my feelings. I clenched my hands as I tried to grasp at my senses and understand what's happening at this moment.

"D-did... do you really m-mean that?" She asked lowly.

I closed my eyes and didn't answer. I've never been so good at admitting or sharing my feelings with other people. My mind is now whirling with so much doubt and I feel scared, somehow. I don't know what's going to happen now.

"Y/N..." She whispered and sniffed. I swallowed thickly and breathe in, hoping that it will ease away some of my fear.

Saying that out loud, I don't exactly know what or how to feel. I never even thought that I would struggle and stumble to say such a simple word. But I did and now, what? What do people who do this stuff, do now? I let out a breath and opened my eyes.

Why hasn't she said anything? The wait is only making me grow more and more anxious. My heart starts to beat faster as she remained really quiet. But it was all quickly being wiped away as I heard her let out a hearty giggle and her hug tightened around me.

"I'm sorry..." She then whispered and sniffed again as her hands rubbed at my shoulders.
"I'm sorry if you felt I led you on. For just lashing out and yelling."

Just like that, it felt as though all my fears and doubts that I've been dealing with earlier, just vanished into nothingness. My hands were shaking slightly as I wrapped my arms around her waist, finally hugging her back. Never minding how hot my face feels or how the tips of my fingers feel like they're tingling.

"You're so stupid." I grumbled and huffed as I squeezed her.
"... and I'm sorry too." I whispered and sighed as her scent wafted in the air I breathe in.

"I-I know. I just... I know I couldn't lose you." She admitted softly and a grin made its way to my lips.

"But don't you think that's a bit too dramatic?" I commented and I felt her shake her head and nudge closer to my neck.
"Shh... don't ruin the mood. And you should know, I'm really serious." She stated.

That made me quiet. I mean, how was I supposed to reply to that? Why does she suddenly become so deep and vocal? And isn't it getting weird that we're still hugging until now? But I'm not really complaining. It's been a few days since I was able to hug her like this.

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