37. Oh, So Casually

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January. The first month of the year and I'm spending it at school. Nonetheless, the new year feels like a breath of fresh air and just generally a new start in every type of sense. I admit to being a little excited of it. Maybe it's the hope that this month and year would be different from the past ones.

I already arrived at school minutes ago and the warning bell already rang but I am in no way in a hurry. I'm headed towards Ella Laoshi's office to give her my drafts and demos for the play before I could head to Class A. I figured that it's better to give it now instead of waiting until later and disturbing our period.

There aren't a lot of students around anymore. Last time I was in a situation like this, the Shen Quadruplets dumped water on me. Geez, what a god forbidden memory. I quickened my pace to get to Ella Laoshi's office to avoid getting any later.

As I was walking, my phone suddenly rang, indicating that someone's calling me. I paused for a moment to take my phone out of my pocket. It's Lin Fan. Becoming confused, I answered the call and continued walking.

"Lee Y/N! You're alive!" Lin Fan yelled from the other line, making me wince and pull the phone away from my ear.

"Obviously! And what the heck are you yelling for?" I grumbled and I heard her scoff.
"Because where the hell are you? Mister Jin's about to arrive and you're not here yet." She answered and I could picture her rolling her eyes as she said that.

"I'm already in school. But I'll be having a meeting with Ella Laoshi. So, tell Mister Jin I might be a few minutes late." I informed and I heard her let out a sound of understanding.
"Oh, okay. Hurry up!" She demanded, making me roll my eyes.

"Eww. How clingy. Miss me already? We literally saw each other yesterday." I teased and cringed.

"Fanfan didn't miss you, but someone else did. Right Y- hmphh!" I heard someone say but it was incoherent.
"Is that Keran? Tell her she's annoying." I spoked, disregarding what the girl just said.

"Hey! How dare you-"
"Wait, Mister Jin's already here! Hurry up, Y/N. Bye!" Lin Fan cut Keran off.
"Bye." I mumbled and ended the call.

Just perfectly, I'm already in front of Ella Laoshi's office. I knocked on the door twice and after hearing her voice, I pushed the door open and went in. She looked up from the papers on her desk and was visibly surprised to see me.

"Good morning, Ella Laoshi." I greeted and bowed and she returned it and gestured to one of the seats in front of her table. I settled down and placed the papers and the flash drive, containing some demos I've made, on her desk.

"What are those?" She asked as she began flipping through the papers.
"That's the plot I've came up with and more than half of the play itself. I've also made some demos and samples." I informed and bit my lips as I watched her scan my work.
"I wanted to give it early so I can have your feedback and change anything if needed." I added.

For a few minutes that felt like endless hours, I sat there, slightly nervous and uncertain of my work as she read through it. It's not like I'm not proud of my work. But at the same time, it's my first time doing that, after all.

"Oh, wow. You managed to do all of this in two weeks?" She uttered out, making me wordlessly nod in confirmation.
"I obviously can't give an instant feedback for you right now since I need to read through it. But I could already tell that it's great, Lee y/N." She said, making me smile and bow my head.

"Thank you, Laoshi. Shall I go now?" I asked and she nodded in answer, making me stand up.
"Thank you for the time, Ella Laoshi." I said politely before heading out of the room to go to my classroom.

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