23. Burning Ashes

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"Lee Y/N, this is such a big decision and so sudden."

I kept my eyes on the ground as I bit my lips. In front of me stood Ella Laoshi. I could feel her gaze on me as I continued to stare at the ground. As seconds pass by, my hesitation also grew. Why the hell am I doing this to myself?

"I know, Ella Laoshi and I'm very sorry. I hope you understand." I uttered out, not bothering to lift my gaze and meet hers.

I know that she's disappointed. But I am, too. I don't want to not do the Drama club assignment, but it's not like I have any other choice. What happened yesterday, was like a wake-up call. I didn't want to believe it at first, but as time passed and I really get to think about it, I started to believe dad's words.

Majority of last night, there's no point denying that mom and dad are up arguing. And I can't help thinking that it's all because of me. No one wants to see their parents fighting because of them, right? That's why I'm doing this. I don't want them to keep fighting about something as stupid as this.

Maybe Liu Yuxin was right... Sigh, to be sad but right for others.

"Why is all of this so sudden? You've been the Drama club president for 4 years now. Why are you suddenly quitting now that there's only 5 months before you graduate?" Ella Laoshi asked. This time, I looked up and gave her a tight smile.

"That's exactly why I'm quitting, Laoshi. I want to focus all of my attention to my academe. I might not be able to deliver a worthwhile show if I don't choose." I excused, keeping the smile on my face.

"I'm sure my vice president, Yu Shuxin would be more than capable of taking over and doing the last assignment." I added and it's getting harder and harder to keep the smile on my lips.

Ella Laoshi didn't move or say anything. She just looked at me like she's trying to see through all my lies and read me. A part of me wants her to believe what I just said, yet another half is begging for her to acknowledge my hesitation. For her to see that I do want to do the assignment, whatever it is.

"Is this what you want?" She finally asked. There's concern in her voice and for a moment, I want to just say no and take back everything I said.

"Yes, Ella Laoshi." I confirmed. Hearing this, she let out a long sigh.
"Your eyes aren't telling the same thing, Lee Y/N."

I broke eye contact with her and went back to stare at the ground. Of course, she'll be able to tell. She's been the adviser of the Drama club for as long as I can remember. Even before I was elected as the president. Naturally, we've grown close and she became a second mother to me.

Before I could make up what to say next, a loud gasp was heard. I looked up to see Ella Laoshi looking behind me. Without even turning, I could already tell from where, or more like whom, that gasp came from. Who's crazy and dramatic enough to do that except for Lin Fan?

I didn't even have the chance to turn when I felt arms already wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me into a hug. I bit my lips as I felt the urge to whimper as I felt pressure on my bruised shoulder.

"Waahh! Lee Y/N!" I felt my face slightly scrunch up as I heard Lin Fan whine out. Wincing, I moved her arm so it's no longer pressing against my bad shoulder and then turned to her.
"What the hell happened to you?" I mumbled as I awkwardly patted her back.

I looked behind her and saw all the students of Class A, approaching us. It must already be time for History class then. Some of them look shocked to see me while some other are nonchalant. Yu Yan walked up to us and gave me a faint whack on the head before standing back and crossing her arms.

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