43. F And E

341 26 3

Keran's POV

The whole class is buzzing with contained excitement. We don't have any classes for today. The faculty has decided to us this time to prepare for the upcoming school festival. That's why we're all dressed in our sweater with our class color which is pink, black jogging pants and some rubber shoes. Well, all except for Yuxin who's wearing her plain black one.

"What happened to your pink sweater?" I asked, making her snap out of her trance and look at me.
"Oh, it's being used." She shrugged before turning towards Mister Jin.
"Used by who?"

She didn't answer or even bothered to acknowledge my question or even myself. I look at her weirdly as a small grin appeared on her lips before it was quickly masked away by her blank expression. Knowing her, asking questions would just be pointless because she'll never answer. With that, I turned away from her. Who knows what's running through her mind.

"Alright. Before proceeding, I need to say something. Settle down, everyone." Mister Jin knocked on the table to get everyone's attention.
"I'm sure most of you auditioned yesterday and I have the results now."

We all became even more excited as he waved a single paper around. We're excited for the play because it's the first time in a long while that they did an open audition. While the Drama Club works with the other ones, their casts were comprised of only club members.

"Three of the five main roles went to our class." He started with a wide smile.
"One of the leads, the protagonist's love interest went to Liu Yuxin."

The class cheered and clapped while Yuxin. Well, I know she's happy but it just doesn't show in her face as she just nodded plainly and bowed her head.

"Wow, aren't you excited." I whispered to tease her but she just narrowed her eyes and nudged me.
"The main character goes to... drum rolls please!" Mister Jin cued and started drumming his hands on the table.

"Kong Xue'er!"

Silence. That's what greeted the announcement of Kong Xue'er's role in the play. We all turned to her and saw how wide her smile was as she flipped her hair and looked around. It wasn't until someone coughed and cleared their throat that we snapped out of our shock and started to clap slightly for her.

"Lu Keran, would play as her best friend." Mister Jin announced, making me choke on my spit and my eyes widened.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that I snatched the role. Lee Y/N would've never." Kong Xue'er said in awe and from it, I heard Lin Fan scoff since I've switched places with Xiaozhai so I'm sitting between her and Yuxin.

"Y/N didn't even audition." Lin Fan spoke.
"In fact, that role wouldn't even be open for auditions if only she agreed to take it. You should thank her for that. You would've never gotten the role."

"K.O!" Xiaotang said like a commentator before she burst out laughing as Kong Xue'er turned into a tomato.

"So, the role was originally hers? Why did she refuse to play it?" Shangguan Xi'ai asked.
"Yeah, she said that it's too greedy since she's already the scriptwriter and a director." Lin Fan answered.

"Where is Lee Y/N, anyway? Is she present?" Mister Jin asked, steering the topic which Kong Xue'er seems to be grateful about as she turned to the front and shielded her face.

"Maybe she's with Class B since she's working with them." Yu Yan answered.
"She's in the restroom." Yuxin spoke up, making all of us turn to her in shock.

"How would you know that?" I asked and poked her shoulder.
"I saw her before I went here." She rolled her eyes and smacked my hand away.

I let out a huff as I rubbed my hand and continued to look at her weirdly. Because she is acting weird these days. I think we all know that it's because of one Lee Y/N. I've been friends with Yuxin for so long, but this is the first time I've seen her act like this. I was about to tease her some more when someone knocked on the door.

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