25. Spite

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"Shit, shit, just damn shit!" I cursed again and again as I tried to push my legs to run faster.

The urge to just stop was there but I couldn't be later than I already am. Today's Friday, meaning that the first subject is Miss Cheng's Mathematics. If she catches me late, who knows what punishment she'll give me this time.

I woke up late today. The moment I opened my eyes, I already got a hunch that today won't be so great. My head was, and is still throbbing and there's a slight itch in my throat. It didn't help that the weather's turning colder and colder, given that it's already mid-December. I haven't even been able to eat breakfast and just chose to dash out of the door.

Right now, I'm already at the school grounds. I paused and almost fell over as I heavily panted and my head felt like it's weighing me down. I rest my palms on my knees as I breathe. I could feel sweat forming on my face even though I feel cold and a chilly wind blew on me.

Inhaling sharply, I slowly stood up right. I can't run anymore. If I do, I might just fall over. I started walking forward to our building and luckily, it isn't very far. I reached up and fixed my hair as I walked, feeling like at any moment, my knees are going to give up from underneath me. No one's around anymore as I'm already a couple of minutes late.

"Hey, Lee Y/N!"

I stopped walking as someone called out for me loudly. Brows furrowing in confusion, I looked up the senior's building as I realized that the call is coming from above. God? There, on the second floor, staring down at me, were 4 identical girls. The Shen Quadruplets from Class D.

All 4 of them are staring down at me with wide, too suspicious smiles on their faces. It's creepy as hell. What do they want? Before I could say anything back to tell them off, all 4 of them suddenly disappeared from view. I sighed as I looked away. They might just be messing around.

A sharp gasp left my lips as a loud splash was heard and then suddenly, I'm drenched from head to toe in freezing cold water. A shiver ran up my spine as I felt the water trail down my exposed skin only to be followed by the equally cold wind. I clutched my arms as a shudder left my lips.

"Sorry, President's order!" The Shen Quadruplets said again. I looked up at them to see them waving at me with mock pity on their faces. They then laughed in sync before completely disappearing from sight.

I could feel my clothes starting to cling to my skin and I grew colder. For minutes, I just stood there, not knowing what to do and I can't even afford to be angry. My wet hair laid flat on my head as I shuddered again.

"Y/N!" I slightly turned and saw Xu Jiaqi approaching me. She must be running late as well. I stared blankly at her and watched as her face scrunched up in confusion upon taking in my drenched appearance. Quickly snapping out of it, she jogged towards me.

"What the hell happened to you?" She asked, brows furrowed as she looked me over.
"C-cold..." I uttered out, barely above a whisper.

"Who wouldn't be in your state, girl? Come on! Give me your bag and let's get you changed." She let out a sigh before she tugged my bag away and carried it instead.

I was lucky enough that it didn't get much wet or else all my things would have been ruined. It was like my voice died in my throat and I didn't know what to say next. All I know is that it's freezing cold. I didn't say anything or protested as Xu Jiaqi grabbed me by the hand and started to drag me with her and I just blindly followed behind her. Before I knew it, we're already in the changing rooms.

"Do you have any spare uniform in your locker?" She asked as she put our bags down on a bench.
"No... Just my P.E attire." I answered quietly and shook my head.
"That would do for now. I don't have any spare either." She said before she draped a towel over my shoulders and disappeared into the rows of lockers.

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