44. Oblivious

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The bell rang, and it's finally lunch. Lin Fan is still jogging towards us. All of us are confused as to who gave her those gifts. I turned to Yu Yan to see if she has any ideas but she just shrugged at me and I returned it since I, too, don't have any idea.

I looked back at Lin Fan and noticed that she abruptly stopped halfway through and stood there. I could practically see her contemplation rolling around in waves. What is she uncertain about? She's definitely doubting as she bit her lip.

"Y/N, Yu Yan, we need to talk." She called out and remained standing a few feet away from where all of us are sitting down. All confused by how she's acting.

Brows furrowed, I looked at Yu Yan and we nodded at each other. Although we don't really know what the talk is going to be about, we know that Lin Fan's rarely this serious. I grabbed my bag and stood up with Yu Yan. I then looked at the other three who are like lost puppies as their wide eyes filled with confusion.

My eyes landed on Yuxin who's still eating the lollipop I gave her and my glasses are perched on her nose. Which she snatched and almost poked my eyes out in the process. Okay, she didn't. But still.

Probably noticing my stare on her, she also turned to look at me. There's a slight bit of confusion on her face but she still gave a smile. I shook my head and pointed at the glasses before lending my hand out to her. Her head only tilted in confusion and her brows furrowed.

"Me?" She asked with a smile before she put her head on my hand, her chin resting on my palm and she gave me a wink. I could feel a tug in the corners of my lips but I quickly fought it off. What am I doing? I could feel heat starting to form in my face.

"Tsk..." I rolled my eyes before taking the glasses from her nose and flicking her lightly on the forehead.
"You wish."

"Kinda..." She mumbled as she pulled back and rubbed at her forehead.

"W-what?" I stuttered, looking at her as my hands limply fell to my sides.
"Nothing!" She answered with her granny smile.

"Stop. You two can flirt later." Yu Yan interjected before she tugged me away from the tiny huddle.
"We weren't!" I defended and huffed.

"Go find someone you can fool, Y/N." She drawled out as she continued to walk and drag me with her.

I let out a groan. Flirting, my foot! I don't even know how to do that, so, how am I supposedly flirting with Yuxin? Yu Yan just got it all wrong. Those words didn't mean anything, right? And Yuxin's just fooling around and trying to annoy me as usual. I shouldn't read into it that much.

I slid the glasses up my nose as I followed Yu Yan to where Lin Fan is. The other three stayed behind and I don't know if they're going to the cafeteria as well. But I did hear Xiaotang's whines about being hungry as we walked away.

I looked at Lin Fan as she walked up to a garbage can and suddenly dump the bouquet of flowers to it. I opened my mouth to ask but she shook her head.

"Let's go to the cafeteria first." She said as if sensing my urge to ask and know.
"Oh, alright." I mumbled before she linked our arms together and led the way.

I glanced at Yu Yan and we still shared the same look of confusion in our faces. After a while, we finally reached the cafeteria. But instead of sitting in our usual table or with Yuxin and the others, Lin Fan dragged us to another one which is a lot further from Yuxin and the others.

The three of us sat down with Lin Fan sitting beside me and Yu Yan sitting in front of us. Lin Fan placed the paper bag that she's holding in the middle of the table and before we could ask or say anything, she slammed a card next to it. It was a handwritten note. Yu Yan curiously picked it up and started reading it to us.

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