15. Peaceful? Not.

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A huge yawn left my lips and I felt my head rest on the palm of my hand. Along that, it felt as though my eyelids are tons of weight heavier. I couldn't fight back sleep anymore as I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep.

Mister Jin totally clowned us. That, he did. His information about us having a three hour break was definitely a hoax. As not even a full hour later, we all found ourselves back in the Class A room. To make it even more worse, it was for Mathematics, Miss Cheng's class.

She is right there in front of the room, talking about finding missing variables or something like that. Would it need to be stated that she's dressed in orange clothes like usual? But yes, she is. At this point, I'm thoroughly convinced that all clothes she owns is in orange.

I'm so tired. But, what's new with that, right? But I'm still half way through the week. I shouldn't be feeling this tired, but I am. It's been one hell of a week even though I'm technically just three days in. Especially with school literally cornering us with quizzes, assignments and other works, added to that is the constant annoying reminders I've been getting from Liu Yuxin.

Like damn, that girl can't understand my simple words of wanting her to screw off because I honestly don't care and like what she, herself, said, countless of times, if she goes down, I'll be following suit. That, I clearly understand but it appears that she doesn't.

"Psst... Y/N, don't fall asleep." My left eye slightly cracked open as I heard a faint call. I saw Lin Fan looking at me.
"I'm not asleep, my eyes are just resting from all the orangeness I've seen." I replied in a mumble, even too lazy to speak properly.

"Y-yah, stop that." She whispered back, clearing her throat in attempt to cover up a laugh.
"You stop that. If I get in trouble with that woman, you won't see another daylight." I replied, eyes now fully opened.

I turned my head to the front to find out that Miss Cheng is still immersed in talking and discussing while solving a problem in the board to notice that I was starting to drift off and now talking. In my defense, it wasn't only me who is finding all of this, boring, almost half of the class is. Some students who aren't, are bent over on their desks, scribbling away and I honestly doubt it, if they say that they're jotting down notes.

"Now, listen to Miss Cheng and let me have peace." I muttered, moving so that my arms are flat on the desk with my chin resting on them.

Lin fan didn't say anything anymore and just shrugged before turning to Miss Cheng. Her elbows are on her desk as she jutted her lips out and attempted to balance a pencil on her philtrum. How typically cute of her.

Letting out a long sigh, I turned my gaze to the windows and outside. Truthfully, there's nothing really interesting to watch outside. But somehow, I still feel myself being gravitated towards it. It made room in my mind for me to think. Like having an existential crisis.

My right arm moved from underneath my head and I searched my pockets to see if I can find something to pass time with and it wasn't for waste as I soon felt plastic. It turned out to be a small piece of chocolate. I've read that sugars can help give you energy and that's totally what I need right at this moment.

I lift my head up and unwrapped it slowly, head still down low and cautious to making loud, giveaway sounds. I pursed my lips as I tore the plastic, wincing and pausing for a moment when Miss Cheng also paused from writing. I feel like I'm doing a crime when in reality, all I want to do is eat a piece of chocolate. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, I finally managed to take the piece of chocolate out. Smiling in victory, I popped it to my mouth, letting out a content sigh as the sweet taste filled my mouth.

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