16. Thin Ice

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Cricket sounds....

And more cricket sounds...

For some reason, I start to feel warm. Like, uncomfortable so. I don't think it was this hot earlier. Just, what the actual hell is this? My eyes remained locked with Liu Yuxin's amused ones and we are both still silent.

I know she's just shitting me. Of course, I do. But it's like I couldn't bring myself to say anything back in retaliation. My throat has closed up, like what had happened at the bus.

"I... I'm straight..."

More cricket sounds...

For a moment, she just continued staring, before she suddenly bursted out laughing. I could feel my brows furrowing as she threw her head back in the fit of her laughter. Eyes closing shut and one of her hands laying across her chest. Well, folks, it's official. She's gone crazy.

"Y/N! I got you a-" My head snapped towards the doorway as Lin Fan's voice was heard.

I saw how she instantly became frozen on her spot, mouth hanging open as she's cut in the middle of her sentence. Behind her was Keran, Yu Yan and Xiaotang. My eyes then went back to Liu Yuxin who is still laughing like an insane idiot.

"Holy shit. Is hell finally freezing over?" Keran muttered, eyes wide open as she took in the sight.
"Is the ever so blank, Liu Yuxin, really laughing?" Xiaotang added.
"Do you think she's possessed?" Keran said.

The two of them continued to whisper amongst them self, constantly looking our way before continuing to talk. Getting fed up and easily annoyed, I closed my book in my desk, briskly fixing up my things before standing up from my seat.

"Wait, where are you going?" I halted as lithe fingers suddenly wrapped around my left wrist. I looked down and locked eyes with Liu Yuxin. She gave my wrist a squeeze, head tilting to the side.

"What the fuck? Eww." I muttered, yanking my arm away from her hold and face scrunching up.

"It's the end of the world, Xiaotang. What the actual hell?" I heard Keran mutter, disbelief present in her voice.
"Did she just try flirting? On Lee Y/N? Holy hell." Xiaotang added.

I turned my eyes towards them to see that all four of them are still on the doorway of the room. Keran and Xiaotang looked at us in shock, and while Yu Yan and Lin Fan are the same, they didn't dare to utter out a single word.

"You two better shut it before I get fed up." I spoke up, words directed at Keran and Xiaotang who are still whispering among themselves.

"Let's go." I mumbled, grabbing Lin Fan and Yu Yan by their wrists and dragging them towards Yu Yan's seat at the back.

Thankfully, they didn't say anything and just let me drag them along with me. Now the room's fully quiet as the mumbled of Keran and Xiaotang have completely vanished. Once we were by the seats, I situated myself on Zhang Dean's seat.

"What did you bring?" I asked Lin Fan. For a moment, she didn't say anything, too caught up in her thoughts. Yu Yan sat beside me, still as quiet.
"Snap out of it!" I said, snapping my fingers in front of Lin Fan's eyes.

"Oh, erm. Sorry. It's a blueberry muffin and chocolate milk." She mumbled as she put the brown paper bag in front of me before proceeding to sit on the chair beside me.

It's awfully awkward and I'm even surprised that I'm starting to feel it and be bothered by it. When in usual occasions, I would've been completely fine and nonchalant about it. I could feel that all four of them wanted to say something by just looking at the expression on their faces. This is all Liu Yuxin's fault. What has gotten to her anyway? Doing all those things.

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