SC 25. Freezing Ground

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"Pluck up courage, shoot it down, shoot, shoot it down! Shoot it down, shoot, shoot it down!"

"Shuxin." I called out as I was observing them in the mirror.

"Y-yes?" She squeaked out with wide eyes before she cleared her throat. "I mean, yes?"

I huffed at her reaction but decided to push it aside. "When you flick your hair, you don't need to do so much force. Let it gradually build it along with the song. You'll strain your neck."

"Oh, okay!" She let out a sigh before nodding. Her shoulders visibly relaxing as she did so. "I thought I did something that annoyed you."

"Whatever." I huffed before standing up from where I was squatting down on the floor. "You should all take a break. Lisa Laoshi will gather us for Yes! OK! Again." I reminded.

"My god, not that again." Keran complained as she sprawled out on the floor.
"You don't have a choice." I deadpanned and she just groaned and proceeded to roll around on the floor.

I shook my head before going to where my bag is. Our group is progressing well. that should be obvious, considering that we've been practicing for more than three weeks at most now. But it was slightly difficult to juggle all the practicing since there's a lot of performances to prepare for. Just like now, in less than ten minutes, we're scheduled to practice Yes! OK! With Lisa Laoshi so that she could evaluate us.

The piles of work and things to get done, doesn't really bother me as much as it does to the others. It gave me a reason to be on my feet at all times and keeps my mind away from all my problems. Even if it's just for a bit and until I get exhausted.

"I'm so hungry!" Jiaqi whined out as she stood beside me. "Y/N, I feel like I'm about to die." She groaned as she leaned against me.

"I'll bring flowers when that happens." I mumbled under my breath. But she seems to have heard it as she hit me on the arm.

It was understandable that she is exhausted as she is the group's center. Naturally, we have to help her out to get better and represent the whole group more. And she also works hard. Anyone could see that in the way that she's always the first one to arrive and the last to leave. She also helps me out in teaching the others.

"What go you want?" I huffed as I sat on the floor where my things are.
"Cupcake?" She requested and repeatedly blinked as she settled beside me.
"I think there's still some left..." I mumbled as I rummaged my bag for the container.

I opened it up and gave her the cupcake. She let out a small squeal before she took it, quickly unwrapping and eating it. I shifted so my back was resting on the wall before closing my eyes to at least get some energy for practicing later.


I opened my eyes with a groan of complaint as I looked up. I saw Keran standing over Jiaqi and I. I watched as she grinned before settling down in front of us. I huffed as I waited for what she has to say. Hopefully not about her again. She rummaged through her bag before pulling out two bottles of juice.

"Apple juice!" She announced as she showed the bottles like they were some trophy. "They're for you. Yuxin told me to give –"

"Give those back to her." I cut her off before closing my eyes again. "I don't want it..." I mumbled and sighed.

"But she bought these for you." She pointed out and I felt her nudge me.
"I didn't tell her to." I answered as I moved away from her prodding hands.

"Come on, Y/N. Just take it."

"I told you, no! Is that so hard to understand?" I snapped at her and sat upright. "Tell your friend to just stop, all right? Stop patronizing her for Pete's sake! I told her already!"

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz