6. Out Of Comfort

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"What the fuck is your problem?!" I spat out as I threw his headphones to his chest.

Every nerve and vein in my body screamed out for me to lash out on him, to give him a piece of my mind. My hands that are now hanging limply by my side itched to slap him on the head, just to make him understand what I'm feeling, all because of his stupidity, but I clenched them up, holding myself back from doing what I might regret later on.

I glared at him as he cradled his headphones in his hands. He looked up and matched my eyes. My anger bubbled up and with it came the strong urge to loudly curse at him as he had the decency to glare back at me.

"I told you that I want you to leave me alone!" He yelled, making me scoff in disbelief.
"You almost set foot on a freaking race track and got ran over! Are you kidding me?!" I yelled back as I pushed him by the shoulder.
"Why are you so nosy and annoying?! I can take care of myself! I'm 13 not 5." He snapped before he turned and started walking to the stands where people are cheering wildly.

Is this boy for real? I went all the way here, at 1 in the morning, concerned for him and that's all I get? Not even a simple 'thank you' for preventing death from potentially getting him too soon? Damn it, just great. Now I could've been lying on my bed, lying next to my brother and sleeping peacefully, not here, wasting my time on a bratty relative who doesn't even give a damn.

"Then stop acting like one! We're going back to the house. End of story." I stated firmly, not wanting to leave any room for arguments.
"No." He answered.

Dear heavens, give me the patience to not slap this boy right here and now. I stomped over to him and grasp his shoulder before maneuvering him so we're facing back where we came from.

Pain shot up my arm as his hand suddenly grasped my hand before his nails came digging on to it, making me grit my teeth and let out a yelp before pushing him away from me. I looked down at my right hand to see that it's not splattered in upright red crescent markings from his nails.

"You're getting on my last nerves. I'm giving you a second chance. Let's go before I leave you here and tell your mother."

I didn't care anymore. I'm tired and annoyed and when I am, I don't give a damn about anything else but sleeping. I stood my ground firmly and my glare on him didn't falter and instead hardened. But like the little bratty devil he is, he chose not to heed my words and instead laughed mockingly, arms crossed in front of his chest and tousled, brown hair hang in front of his eyes.

"Oh damn, Xue'er was right. You look and are dumb. Mom would never believe you over me." He mused.
"That's it, you godforsaken brat!" I yelled as I stride closer to him.

Eyes ablaze with anger, irritation and exhaustion, I wordlessly grabbed the back of his jacket and started to forcefully drag him to go back. I didn't care anymore. I gave him chances to go peacefully, yet he chose to be stubborn. The height and weight difference gave me a slight advantage as I was able to drag him with me.

If he think he can just go around, calling me dumb and saying those things, then he's dead wrong. Hell, I don't even let Minsu talk to me that way, and unlike him, Minsu got this thing called respect. If a 15 year old can't do those things to me, what makes him, a freaking 13 year old, think he can?

"Fine then, drag me back and I'll make you regret it." He threatened, making me scoff.
"And you think that I'm scared of a mere 13 year old boy who has the mentality of a 5 year old? Yeah, no." I continued dragging him.
"But you're forgetting that your mom is a puppy, almost afraid of my mom. So yeah, you should be."

I groaned out in annoyance as I shook my hand, making him almost lose his balance and fall over, effectively making him let out a yelp and stop his nonsense boasting.

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