SC 20. Lectures

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Yuxin's POV

How long has it been? I'm not too sure anymore. Seven days? Maybe. But it felt longer than that. I've lost count. Blended in gray were the past few days and it's hard to tell how many days have already passed. I don't think I've ever felt this heavy before. And for what reasons?

Lee Y/N. What she did hurt. How Dalton had found out about me because of her. I don't know how that even happened, but it did. And as much as she hurt me, I know I hurt her too.. The words that carelessly flew out of my mouth cannot be redeemed now. I don't know anything anymore.

I guess it's true that good things could only last for so long. What are we even now? Are we over and gone now? Just like that? Back to what things initially were? But I couldn't. I don't think I want to. I love her. I still do despite the things that went down. I don't think I ever want to lose her like this.

I looked up from my desk and glanced at her seat. It's empty like how it's been for the past couple of days. And I know that she wants nothing to do with me. And I should feel the same, but I somehow couldn't bring myself to do it. At times, I would find myself looking for her in the crowd only to realize and stop.

"You know, one of you just have to swallow their pride and finally talk." Keran mused from beside me. I turned to her and my eyes could only stare blankly at her.

She doesn't know what happened entirely. All she knows is that Y/N and I had a huge fight. And nothing more. I didn't say anything and just turned back to my cleared-out desk.

I heard her let out a huff then. "If it seems unfixable, then you might as well officially break up already. Don't torture each other by leaving everything in a gray line. You know you'll eventually move on and find someone else. That's just how it works."

I glared at her as those words left her mouth. Something about those, stung. I don't want to hear anything about that. I refuse to. No matter how right I know she is. I could not even bring myself to think about what she's saying.

"See? You don't want to break up, but you don't want to have a conversation with Y/N, either. The more you wait, the messier it gets, Yuxin." Keran said again and shook her head.

"You don't know anything." I couldn't help but snap as my glare on her intensified.

"Then tell me everything so I could understand and you could stop being so miserable." She said back and I could trace the annoyance on her face as her brows furrowed.

I took a deep breath as I tried to cling into the last bit of patience I have. I turned away from her in attempt of collecting myself. I don't want to get involved with anything right now. But she wasn't done. I could still feel the burn of her glare on my head as seconds passed.

But before she could say anything, the classroom door suddenly flung open. We all turned to it, only to see Jony J Laoshi walking through the door. I could feel my brows starting to meet together in confusion. What is he doing here? The school year is practically over now. We've already taken our final exams and there's no point in discussing new lessons.

"Laoshi, what are you doing here?" Shangguan Xi'ai asked out, confusion evident on her voice as we all looked at Jony J Laoshi in confusion. "Are you going to discuss a lesson?"

"Ah, no." Jony J Laoshi answered and shook his head before giving us a rather awkward smile as he sat on his usual stool.

I could only watch as he acted weirdly. There's no way that he's here without any reason. This is something that he haven't done before. The only explanation is that he needs something. Maybe even a favor from us. Yet I didn't say anything and just watched the scene unfold before me.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ