12. Your Words, Against Mine

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Like a woman in a mission, I trudged towards the cafeteria. Legs moving in front of the other in almost practiced rhythm. I was right. Now the frown is permanently etched into my expression.

I kept my pace brisk, not wanting her, to catch up and stop me again with her nonsense speech. You know what? Screw her. Even thinking about her makes me grit my teeth in irritation. What a struck-up, arrogant, teacher's pet and just so... So annoying.

"Damn it." I grumbled under my breath as I pushed the cafeteria doors open and walked in.

I removed my headphones that I'm still wearing and brushed my hand through my hair as my eyes roamed around in search of Lin Fan and Yu Yan. It didn't take me long to locate our usual table in the spacious cafeteria as it's been our spot ever since, but to my surprise, neither of them are seated in the table.

"Y/N, over here!" My head immediately snapped towards the direction where the call came from, already recognizing it as Lin Fan's.

To my utter disappointment, I saw her and Yu Yan sitting there, on Keran and her friends' table, eating and laughing together. And I know it's petty but I couldn't help but feel irritated by it. Lin Fan flashed her usual wide smile at me, hands wildly trying to gesture and beckon me over to join them.

I stood there for a moment, contemplating if I should join them or not. Looking at Zhao Xiaotang and Lu Keran just reminds me of their friend. That lousy, irritating person, who I don't even want to mention the name of. Letting out a huff, I focused my blank stare at Lin Fan, who is still smiling a gummy wide smile, and rolled my eyes at her before turning and walking towards the counter to collect my food.

Luckily, there is only a short line, only about three students in front of me. So, it wouldn't and shouldn't take long. I quietly stood there, arms crossed over mg chest as I waited. Before I knew it, it's already my turn to get my tray and I indulged myself in it, grabbing one huge of a cheeseburger, fries, soda and a canned coffee for later. Then I trudged towards my table.

"Y/N, sit beside me!" Lin Fan called out as I walked pass their table. I didn't respond, acting like I heard nothing and continued to walk towards out usual table.

I set my tray down before placing my bag in the next seat while I set myself down, making it so that my back is facing them. Without another thought, I started to eat quietly, focusing all my irritation and anger to the burger I'm eating, brows still furrowed as I glared at the empty seats across me.

They aren't really gonna come, aren't they? I scoffed and reached over to take a sip of my soda. I also noticed something unusual. The usually loud and flattering cafeteria is now almost silent. No laughs or screaming at all, jus the scrapes of utensils against the plates and the buzz of murmurs, low whispers. I don't mind it though as I continued eating.

"Hey." I loked up from my tray as someone had placed theirs in front of me and saw Yu Yan. Not waiting for any reply, she sat down across me and gave me a smile.

"Hey to you too, lion." I grumbled.
"And before you whack me, just know that I'm already having the worse day." I added, knowing full well that it's what she'll most likely do. And it seems like I'm not wrong as her right hand had already reached outbegore halting at my words.

"Ugh, whatever." She huffed before lowering her hand and proceeding to eat her usual bowl of salad.
"I'm surprised you're not shooing me away right now." She commented before putting a forkful of the food into her mouth. He rested her chin on her palm as she chewed and watched me.

"Do you want me to? Fine, then go away Weasley. You blood traitor." I drawled out in faux disgust and waved her off with my left hand.
"Yah! I'm supposed to be the mean one in the group." She narrowed her eyes before reaching over and painfully pinching my left cheek.

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