Prank gone wrong

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Words~ 562

(I'm back. Kind of. Everything I write just seems like shit so I haven't uploaded. I don't even like this part but it's something for you guys)


"If you don't hurry up we're going to get caught!" Y/n whisper yelled toward the blonde.

"Calm down the meeting doesn't start for another 15 minutes" Yelena said finishing off.

You might be wondering what the two best friends could be doing, right? Well Yelena decided it would be funny to put glue on the chair Clint normally sits in for meetings and drag her best friend, Y/n, into it.

Yelena painted on the glue to the black leather seat. They both decided that they would only put it on the part you actually sit on instead of the whole chair, mainly because they didn't want to get in trouble with Fury for many reasons.

*start of the meeting*

Yelena and Y/n decided to wait a little before entering the room so they didn't look suspicious even though everyone would know it had something to do with them.

When they walked in they expected to see Clint sat in his seat ready to listen to the meeting Tony was holding. Yelena's eyes widened in surprise and when Y/n looked at 'Clint's' chair she saw her girlfriend sat in the chair. Her eyes also widened and she was sure she would be sleeping on the sofa that night.

Natasha hadn't noticed being stuck to the chair as she had only just sat down. Y/n decided not to mention anything and while Tony was talking, she would make up a way to get out of having a angry girlfriend.

That plan she made up, didn't work.

"Who put glue on this chair!" Natasha growled.

Nat went to get up only to realise she couldn't. Luckily she was the first to try and leave so all of the team were in the room. Natasha noticed how Yelena and Y/n avoided looking anywhere in Nat's direction.

"Y/n, darling. Do you know why I'm stuck to this chair?" Nat asked nicely, a little too nicely.

"Y/n and I have to go somewhere, so if you don't mind us..." Yelena stood up and Y/n followed getting ready to leave the room as soon as possible.

"Sit down!" Nat yelled. "Who put glue on my chair?"

"Well it was Yelena..."

"Snitch" The blonde mumbled

"... but it was meant for Clint because that's his normal chair that he sits in every time we have a meeting so technically it his fault" Y/n rambled nervously.

"Ok. Help me get un-stuck" Natasha said which made them think Nat was ok with the mishap. But that was not the case.

Once Nat was free from the chair she ran after Yelena, chasing her down the corridors of the compound. After an hour of them running around Yelena finally gave up. She let Nat tackle her to the ground.

Y/n thought Nat was going to let her off because Nat loved her right? Wrong. Well she did love Y/n but she wasn't going to let her off.

"I hope you know you're sleeping in the sofa tonight" Nat said as she entered their shared bedroom all sweaty after running around for the past hour.

Y/n sighed in defeat, excepting the consequence. She once tried to get out of sleep in on the sofa but it only made it worse, so since then she knew not to argue with the redhead.


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