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Warning~ mention of blood 🤷‍♀️

Y/n's POV Once again, fighting for my life

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Y/n's POV
Once again, fighting for my life. Towering piles of rubble scattered around what once was a quite, little village. I took a moment to look at my surroundings, dead bodies spread out, decomposing by the minute. Meanwhile, my team mates were fighting against these disgusting looking creatures, letting out unearthly noises.

Having been fighting for most of my life, I was shocked to see a new type of creature. It's slimy, purple skin was nothing I've ever seen before. Its high pitched screech was loud enough to blow peoples eardrums. The creature had such pointy teeth it could prince through flesh with ease.

Bombs going off everywhere. A particularly loud one caught my attention. In fact, the roaring bang of the bomb caught everyone's attention. I glanced over in that direction. Through the pouring rain I saw the least expected thing. I had to do a double take because I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Wanda Maximoff.

Turns out the loud bomb wasn't a bomb. It was Wanda. The ruby red energy was used to throw a group of the nasty creatures into what once was their ship. Just then I felt a sharp pain pierce through my abdomen. It took everything to not look down but to keep fighting. As time went on, I had to see what was causing such excruciating pain. In my stomach was a dagger of some kind. I pulled it out which seemed to be a mistake as blood started gushing out of my wound.

I yelled out in pain. Blood pouring out of my stomach. "I'm hit!" I shouted in my earpiece.

Nat was next to me within minutes. She carried me to the quinjet and told the SHIELD agent to fly us back to the compound. She rushed me in to the medical unit and grabbed a doctor on the way.

He attended to my wounds and cleaned them up properly.

-- (few hours later)

The doctor told me I needed to stay in bed for about a week so I don't rip the stitches. Nat hasn't left my side since. And normally that would be fine but she's not letting me move in the slightest. Earlier, I tried to roll over onto my side to get comfy but Nat didn't let me.

"Don't move. I want you to heal quickly so we can go back to doing things together" she said with a smirk on her face.

I get it, she's just trying to look after me and make sure I'm ok and not hurting anywhere. But she doesn't even let me eat by myself. She fed me my pasta like I was a baby. If I moved she would give me a earful about how I can get more hurt.

She was now with me in the shower. She made me stand completely still while she washed me. It was kinda relaxing having someone wash my hair. She's done it before but because I was injured, she was even more careful than before.


My stab wound was now healed and I had a scar to replace it. I didn't like it at first but Natasha was there to tell me that scars are beautiful.

"If your scar is ugly, then what are mine?" She asked looking into my eyes making sure I was listening to her properly.

"Nat we've been over this before yours a beautiful" I told her.

"Then yours are too" she said placing a kiss on my lips.

I'm glad I wasn't injured anymore because the babying was a little too much.


the first 4 paragraphs were what I wrote for my english tutor.

Send requests please I've ran out and my brain is the size of a pea so I have no ideas.

have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

Natasha Romanoff x Female reader Oneshots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora