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Warnings~none I don't think
Words~ 1092 (a long one finally)
Request by emilye0028 <3

Warnings~none I don't think Words~ 1092 (a long one finally)Request by emilye0028 <3

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Little bit of info. You and Florence Pugh were in little women together a little while ago. You've come in contact again recently as your mum and Flo were filming Black Widow. You are Scarletts daughter and you are 16, Scarlett is in a Zoom interview with Flo while you're there.

Scarlett's POV
I was getting ready for the Black Widow interview I had today with Florence. Being in this pandemic was awful, I always loved being there in person to promote a new movie I was in. The only good thing about having to do interviews online is that I don't have to fly to a new country every few days. Another good thing is that my daughter, Y/n, doesn't have to stay at friends and family's houses while I'm away. Before the pandemic I would have to leave Y/n for a few weeks at a time due to press junkets and all that.

But here we are getting ready to promote my new movie that I'm so excited for. Y/n has been off today, she doesn't seem like her normal, bubbly, happy self and I was thinking of not doing this zoom meeting but she insisted that I did.

I was sat on the sofa in the living room, camera and lighting set up as well as everything I needed for the interview with Florence.

Y/n knocks on the door to which I reply 'come in'. She slowly opened the door and just didn't look good. I opened my arms for a hug to which she gladly accepted. She snuggled into the crook of my neck, not saying a word as I wrapped my arms around her.

I rocked her back and forth slowly as she's always loved this since she was young. I lifted my hand to her forehead, she didn't feel too warm but she still wasn't herself.

"Y/n/n" I said quietly, she hummed in response. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked, concern evident in my voice. She took her head out of my neck and whispered, "I just want hugs." I pulled her back into my embrace and continued to rock her.

I was about to start the interview with Florence and Y/n was still hugging me. "Y/n, how about you lie down and put your head on my lap ?" I asked her. She didn't say anything, she just moved to that she was lying down with her head on my lap. I reached over the back of the sofa, grabbed a blanket and draped it over her.

Only a few minutes later the interview had started. Y/n was still on my lap, I had told her that she needed to stay quiet for obvious reasons and she's been as quiet as a mouse.

*the interviewer has asked all the questions about the new movie and so he starts to ask random questions *

"So Florence, you've worked with Scarlett's daughter before am I right?" The interviewer said. "Yes. Yes I have and she's an amazing young women and she's actually taught me a lot, In not just acting but in every day life." Florence said with a huge smile on her face.

"Scarlett, you obviously spend the majority of your time with Y/n as you live under the same roof. How does she find acting?" He asked me. I replied, "She loves it, she's always asking about any upcoming roles that she can play. And going onto what Florence was saying she is an amazing young woman. There's not a single day where she doesn't fail to put a smile on my face. She brings so much happiness to everyone around her." I said looking down at my lap. Her eyes were closed and her breathes were steady so I just assumed she was asleep.

"How was it working with Y/n on the set of little women?" The interviewer asked Florence. "It was great. Honestly. And I'm not just saying that cause Scarlett is here, she genuinely is the person who will light up the room as she walks in. She makes everyone laugh with her amazing personality and she is just one of the best people I have ever worked with." I smiled hearing about what other people think of my daughter, it melted my heart to know how lucky I am to have her as my mini me.

Y/n slowly started to get up. I was a bit confused as to why she was getting up now of all times. As she got up the camera managed to get a glimpse of her and the interviewer noticed. "Was that Y/n?" He asked. I looked up and responded, " Yeah it is." I chuckled.

"So she heard how amazing she is then ?" Flo asked. Y/n stuck her head in the shot and smiled. "Yes. All of it" she said and blew a friendly kiss to Florence. "Love you Flo" she teased. "Love you too Y/n/n"

"Right, well. That's all the time we've used for today. I hope you have a great evening and maybe one day I will get to interview you guys in person." The man said. We both said our goodbyes and the interview ended.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your interview, I'm sorry." Y/n apologised.

"No need to apologise, it was quite funny to be honest" I reassured her.

*timeskip to a few minutes later*

I had put all the filming stuff away and I was ready to just relax for the rest of the evening. Y/n was sat in the living room watching Y/f/m. I went over to the sofa and sat down, pulling Y/n into me. I loved her so much and I wanted her to stop growing up as she was growing up way too fast for my liking.

"I love you so, so much Y/n/n. I couldn't even dream of having a better daughter cause I already have the best one." I finished, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you too mum. You're the best mum I could ever ask for." She said to me and snuggled further into me like her life depended on it.

We spent the rest of the day watching all of our favourite movies and eating snacks, just enjoying each other's presence.

'Maybe this pandemic isn't too bad after all' I thought to myself.

A long one finally!!!! 

I don't have anything to say for once (shocker)

Anyways have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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