Compilation (S•J)

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Y/n's POVScarlett and I were about to go in the Jimmy Fallon show

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Y/n's POV
Scarlett and I were about to go in the Jimmy Fallon show. We were here to promote Black Widow. Filming finished 4 months ago and we spent 8 long months filming and perfecting this movie. We both knew each other before filming but over the 8 months we got closer and both caught feelings. About a month ago I decided to ask her out for dinner. She agreed and the dinner went well. We spent almost all our time together after that night and I finally asked her to be my girlfriend 2 weeks ago.

We want to keep our relationship private for as long as possible because we just don't want to be in the public eye. We want to live as normal as we can.

One of the crew members backstage told us we were going on now. I shook out all the nerves and put on my smile. Scarlett walked out before me and I followed after. She looked absolutely gorgeous and it was really hard not to kiss her on the spot and tell her how beautiful she is.

Jimmy: Tonight we have Scarlett Johansson and Y/n Y/l/n!

We both walked on stage and waved to the audience and cameras. We sat down on the grey sofa next to each other.

(next part it's actually from one of the interviews just with you included)

Jimmy: It's so great to have you guys on this show with us.

Y/n: Thank you for having us.

Jimmy: How exciting you have your own movie black widow!

Scarlett: Yeah, we finished filming a few months ago

The audience clapped and cheered

Jimmy: I'm so excited about this!

Scarlett: We're so excited about this.

Scarlett looked at me and I gave her a smile.

Scarlett: I can't wait to show everybody. It was fantastic. It brought a closure to me that I needed.

Jimmy: Really?

Scarlett: Yeah. Cause I was kinda wiped out after the last one.

I laughed at Scarlett's comment of being killed off in endgame knowing I cried my eyes out watching it at the premiere. I was sat next to Scarlett that night and I remember her pulling me into a hug where I cried into her shoulder for 10 minutes. Luckily I had waterproof mascara on that night.

Jimmy: Did you guys take anything from set? This is a question I ask because I would take something from the set.

Y/n: What would you take? Like Captain America's shield?

Jimmy: I'm gonna take Thor's hammer.

Y/n: You're gonna get arrested!

Jimmy: I'm gonna take Thor's hammer. What you gonna do arrest me? It's better press for the movie.

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