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Words~ 564
Warnings~ none

Y/n's POVNat and I have been trying for a baby for a while now

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Y/n's POV
Nat and I have been trying for a baby for a while now. I've been through many rounds of IVF and have yet to fall pregnant. We were determined to keep trying even though it's taking a while. We're still young so that's not a problem. We've talked about having a baby ever since we got married 2 years ago.

*timeskip cause idk what to write*

It's Christmas Eve and the other day I woke up feeling awful. I threw up a lot that morning and have been ever since. Wanda went to the shop to buy a few different pregnancy tests just to make sure.

When she got back she handed me 4 different bands of pregnancy tests and I immediately went to the bathroom. I didn't want to get my hopes up just incase they came back negative.

Expect disappointment so you don't get disappointed. Right? (See what I did there?)

I placed all 4 at sticks on the counter and waited five minutes. Those five minutes felt like forever. Once the timer on my phone when off that's when my heart started racing. I turned the first on over and it was positive

The second... positive

The third... positive

And the forth... positive

Oh my god! Was all I could think of. My hands shook as I held out the positive pregnancy tests to Wanda.

"Omg congratulations!" She almost yelled. "I'm so happy for you guys!" She jumped up and down in excitement.

"When are you going to tell Nat?" She questioned, having calmed down.

"Tomorrow. It will be like a Christmas present" I shrugged. Thank god Christmas was tomorrow because I don't know how long I could keep it a secret.

—— (Christmas day)

Everyone had opened all their presents and we had a massive meal. We danced and sang Christmas songs and everyone was very happy overall.

The avengers were now gathered in the living room, chatting amongst themselves. I wanted to tell Natasha now as her final gift for the day so I texted Wanda.

Wanda 🧙‍♀️

Y/n 🤍
I'm going to tell Natasha now. Can you subtly get everyone to also pay attention and be quiet.

Wanda 🧙‍♀️
Of course!

"Hey Nat? I have one last present for you." Thankfully everyone went quiet so they could also hear the news. I walked over to one of the storage cupboards and pulled out the box with the pregnancy tests in. I walked back over to everyone and sat down next to Nat, placing the box on her lap. I gestured her to open it. She gave me a sceptical look but opened it anyway.

Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me with tears already forming in her eyes.

"Really?" She whispered to which I nodded my head.

Next thing I knew I was pulled into a tight hug as everyone congratulated us and she placed a loving kiss on my lips.

"How long have you known?" She asked me when she pulled out of the hug.

"Since yesterday" I replied giving her a warm smile.

"Best Christmas present ever!" She exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"I'm going to be the best aunt ever!" Yelena shouted.

"After me of course" Kate replied giving Yelena a look and the blonde rolled her eyes.

"I love you" Natasha said as she gave me yet another kiss.

"I love you too"


Merry Christmas for tomorrow!! (For those who celebrate it)

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