Power Point Night

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PowerPoint night at the avengers tower :)

Y/n's POV
Peter had seen the TikTok trend where people make power points and share them with their friends. He gathered the avengers up and told us all to make one.

Which leads us to now. All the Avengers gathered up on the few couches in the living room of the compound.

Tony went first and his was called 'how I'm the best'

Steve was up next and his was called 'the great things that I've caught up since coming out of the ice'

Bruce then did his and it was called 'how I have more phd's than hulk'

Thor rated all the pop tarts from best to worst

Wanda's was called 'why I'm the most powerful avenger'

Clint's was about all the weird ass things he's heard while in the vents


"Mine is rating all the kisses I've had in the past" Nat said as she moved on to the next slide. It was a picture of Steve with the rating 3/10.

"Steve gets 3/10 because when I kissed him it was his first kiss since 1945 so he was lacking in skills. He gets 3 points though because it was decent enough" she said and immediately moved on. Steve sat there with a frown on his face.

A picture of Tony came up with the rating 1/10

"Tony gets 1/10 because it was ages ago and he was way too passionate about it. He bragged about it for the next month. It was against my will and we had to do it because we were undercover." She said.

"Aww come on romanoff it was definitely the best kiss you've ever had" he smirked. She rolled her eyes and replied, "maybe for you"

Nat went on rating most avengers. All of them were kisses from being undercover.

And last but not least a picture of me and Nat came up.


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"My girlfriend and hopefully future wife. ∞/10. Will never get tired of kissing Y/n. Her lips are like heaven. If I could, I would kiss her 24/7 because when hissing her I feel like I'm on cloud 9." She said keeping eye contact the entire time. She made her way over to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.


"I have no idea where to start. Nat is the love of my life. Whenever I'm around her I'm the happiest. I love spending time with her because we have such a fun time. I love everything about her. Every imperfection, every scar, every little detail on her body wether it's a freckle or a birthmark I love it. I love her." I said

"Her laugh is me on my favourite things about her. I could listen to her laugh forever. She had the most perfect smile anyone could wish for." I said with my smile growing bigger and bigger by the minute.

"We barley argue, but when we do, she always makes sure I'm not upset when I go to bed. She'll find me and we'll talk through whatever got us into that argument. She makes sure we've both had enough time to cool off before talking about it."

I carried on talking about all the little things I loved about her. Mine was the longest because when I start talking about Nat I can never seem to stop.

Clint actually fell asleep while I was talking. I couldn't care less if all the avengers went to bed, as long as Nat was listening that's all I cared about. But all the avengers stayed.

When I finished I looked over at Nat and saw her eyes watering slightly. I walked over and placed myself on her lap, wrapping my arms around her neck. She kissed me long and hard.

"I love you so much" she whispered as a tear fell from her eye. She was quick to wipe it away as if it never fell.

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