"mummys sick" p.2

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Words- 887
Warnings- none
(Idk how pregnancy that well so sorry if anything is inaccurate)

Y/n's POV
After finding out I was pregnant Nat and I went to the doctors for a check up. They told me I was around 7 weeks pregnant. Time all of a sudden went so slow.

What felt like 2 weeks was actually 1. Nat explained to Alexa that she has to be carefully around me at all times. Nat normally wakes up early enough to go get Alexa in the mornings. She normally get Alexa fed and dressed while letting me sleep for another hour or two. Then after letting me sleep for a little longer, Nat would let Alexa wake me up.

Most mornings it would be a snuggle and soft whispers like 'time to get up mummy' or 'wakey wakey' from the almost 4 year old. Other mornings Alexa would jump on the bed as if it were a trampoline. She would scream her head off trying to wake me up.

One morning Nat had to tell Alexa to be very gentle with waking me up. She told Alexa she can't jump on me in the morning's to wake me up and no screaming.

10 weeks

I was now around 10 weeks pregnant. Time was still going slow. Alexa was starting to grow impatient with the whole waiting for the baby to come.

"When's the baby going to be here?" She asked me. We were all sat in the sofa watching a film after dinner.

"We still have to wait a little longer babes" Nat answer for me.

"But I don't want too!" She wined "I want to meet my baby brother or sister" she said with the cutest little pout.

12 weeks

I was now starting to show. Every morning I would lift my top up slightly to look at the bump. To anyone else they would probably think I was just bloated. Alexa would sometimes rub my belly and whisper softly. When she gave me a kiss goodnight she would also give my belly a kiss.

This morning I was stood in front of the mirror in my bra and shorts, having just woken up. Nat came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I leant into her touch, resting my head on her shoulder.

16 weeks

I had another doctors appointment today. Nat and I will finally be able to find out the gender. Alexa wanted a baby brother, Nat wanted another daughter but really didn't mind and I didn't really care, as long as the baby is healthy.


"Y/n and Natasha Romanoff" the nurse said. Nat and I stood up from the waiting room and followed the nurse into one of the rooms.

"If you can lay on the bed please and lift your shirt up that would be great" she said. As I got on the bed I lifted my shirt to reveal my growing belly. I looked more pregnant than I did a few weeks ago, thank god, because for a while I just looked chubby. (there's nothing wrong with that btw. everyone is beautiful in their own way <3)

The nurse squeezed a small amount of the clear gel and began spreading it with the ultrasound probe. The gel was cold. Very cold. In fact it made my jump slightly.

I was holding Nat's hand while looking at the little screen where I could see a little blob. I couldn't quite make out what I was seeing but I knew it was my baby.

"There's their feet." She pointed out. "And there's their head and arms" it was becoming more clear on what's what as she pointed everything out.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asked. Nat immediately made eye contact with me and nodded slightly. "Yeah" I replied not facing the doctor.

"Well you are having a ... boy!" She said. "I'll print out the photos and go get them for you" she said as she took off her gloves and left.

"We're having a boy" Nat whispered with one of the biggest smiles I've seen on her face in a long time.

"We're having a boy" I repeated.

*time skip to end of pregnancy*

Last week I gave birth to my baby boy. Nat and I decided on the name Leo, (Лев) meaning Lion.

He had Nat's gorgeous green eyes and my Y/c/h hair. He was the cutest little baby ever. Alexa was cute don't get me wrong but, oh my god, Leo is adorable!

Alexa loved him. She would spend hours sat next to him either while he was being fed or napping. She would constantly kiss his head and hold his little hand. When Leo was crying, she would rub his head and gently 'shh' him. When his dummy fell out she would carefully place it back in for him.

Nat told me that while I was napping, Leo was crying. Nat was looking everywhere for a dummy but couldn't fine one. Alexa took matters into her own hands. She hers out and offered it to Leo. Nat then had to tell her it was a lovely thing to do but told her not to do it because it was yucky.


I don't know what more to write but here's part 2

I hate this but i think it's decent enough to post so here you go

I love all you guys and I want to say thank you for all the reads, votes and comments 💕

Have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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