Bath time 🛁

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Nat x daughter reader
Y/n is 3 in this story
Words ~ 950

I was playing with my toys on the floor of my bedroom like I normally do after dinner, I was playing with my dolls, all of a sudden I hear my mums voice coming down the hallway of the compound. 'Oh no' I thought to myself.

"Y/n bath time!"

'Great' I stood up quickly and and span around trying to find somewhere to hide, I settled for under my bed. A great hiding place if I do say so myself.

"Y/N!" My mum shouts again and I can tell she's about to walk in my room. Next thing I know she's opened the door and is looking for me, i just had to stay quiet.

Nat's POV
I opened the door to y/n's room. "Y/n?" I knew she was in here because she always goes to play with her toys after dinner. "Y/n you need a bath, you smell" I heard her giggling under her bed, I smiled to myself and pretended to walk out the door but just sat on her bed not making a sound, waiting for y/n to come out from where she was hiding.

I thought I heard my mummy leave so i thought now was the time to go and find somewhere else to hide. I scooted my way out from under my bed and as soon as I stood up I froze. There she was, my mum smirking at me. I didn't hesitate one bit and ran towards the door and ran as fast as my little legs could take me. I ran to the only safe space there was, auntie Wanda's room. I didn't even bother to knock I just ran in, she jumped out her skin as she didn't expect me.
"Y/n!?" I didn't have much time to explain I just needed to disappear "Hide me please!" She laughed and told me to hide under the covers of her bed and closed her door.

Nat's POV
Y/n is so predictable, I knew exactly where she went so I strolled over to Wanda's room. Once I got there I knocked on the door and waited for her. While I was waiting I could hear Wanda whisper for Y/n to 'be quiet' I smirked. She opened the door and gave me a welcoming smile. "I don't suppose you've seen Y/n/n anywhere? Have you?" She simply looked over to her bed and said "no, she might have gone bed tho" giving away where Y/n was. I mouthed 'thank you' to her which she simply nodded in return. I made my way over to her bed and saw the small lump under the duvet. I lifted up the covers and shouted, "BOO!" She screamed. 'Ow that was loud' I picked her up as she kept shouting "no mama!"

Y/n's POV
I didn't want to have a bath. I didn't like baths. I tried to wiggle out my mums arms but she was too strong. I was kicking and hitting her as she walked me to the bathroom in her room. Once we got there she shut the door and put me on the floor. She turned around to the bath and started the water. "Bubbles?" She asked me. I didn't answer her I just have her a death glare, I get it from her obviously. She knew I wanted bubbles so she said "I'll add bubbles" and turned around once again. I took this as my last chance to get out of here so I stood up and ran out the bathroom but when I got to the bedroom door it was locked.*UGH!* I banged in the door, "someone help!" *bang bang bang* "HELP, MY MUM KIDNAPPED ME!!" No one was helping me out so I just sat by the door and balled my eyes out. I really didn't want a bath.

Nat's POV
I turned the water off and walked over to my daughter crying her eyes out. I did feel a little bad for her but she needed a bath. I scooped her up in my arms and gently rocked her back and forth to try and calm crying down. I finally managed to calm her down to a hiccup every now and then. "How about we play with some toys in the bath, how does that sound?" She looked up at me with her red puffy eyes and nodded. God she melts my heart. I walked into the bathroom and bent down to get some toys from the cupboard under the sink. I got out some boats, some yellow ducks and some little Disney toys and chucked them into the bubble bath. I set Y/n down and undressed her. I picked her up again and placed her in the bath, her mood immediately changed once she was in. We played for a bit and I washed her hair and body making sure not to get it in her eyes. I then stood up to get a fluffy towel and asked her to stand up.

Y/n's POV
I stood up and my mum immediately picked me up and wrapped a towel around my cold naked body. She took me into the room and laid me down on her bed and went to grab my pyjamas. She got me dressed, brushed my hair and teeth and then got into bed and snuggled me. "Night dorogoy"(sweetheart). I yawned, "night mama" and with that I let sleep consume me and fell asleep in my mums arms, my favourite place to be.

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