"I did it again"

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(they are my funkos btw I thought they were too cool not to show them)
Words~ 742
Warning~ mention of self harm
(I'm not trying to romanticise this in any way. I also don't know if any of this accurate so if it is wrong I apologise.)

Y/n's POV She's going to kill me

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Y/n's POV
She's going to kill me.

That's all I could think of when I realised what I had done. All the thoughts came rushing through my head at once. They wouldn't shut up. So I did what I had to do to shut them up.

*10 minutes ago*

I grabbed the razor from our bathroom and locked the door. I slowly slid down it whilst crying my eyes out. My vision was blurry but that didn't stop me from pulling the sleeve of my hoodie up my arm.

I slowly slid the cold metal blade along my wrist in hopes to feel something, anything. I kept cutting for all the horrible things I've done. I was there for what felt like hours but wasn't. My arm was dripping with blood and there wasn't much I could do about it now.

*back to now*

I just kept sobbing. I couldn't stop the tears that were falling from my eyes. I sat there just staring in front of me.

Then, I heard the front door to our apartment open. She's home. I physically couldn't move. I was too numb to get up and wash my arm off before she saw.

Nat's POV
I got home and the apartment was too quiet. I know Y/n is home because she was here when I left and would've texted me if she left. She could be sleeping. That girl can sleep for ages.

"Y/n?" I called out for her. No response. She wasn't in the kitchen or the living room. I went and checked our room but she wasn't there either. I tried to open the door to our bathroom but it was locked. There was no sound coming from inside. No shower or tap running.

"Y/n" I called out again. Nothing. I knocked on the door like something different was going to happen. But once again, nothing.

I was about to kick the door open when I heard her crying. It was very faint but I could still hear it nonetheless.

"Y/n? Babe please open the door." I asked, once again trying to open the door.

"I can't" she chocked out between sobs.

"Why can't you open the door? Are you stuck?" I questioned.

"I did it again" she mumbled. I almost didn't hear her but I did.

'She did it again?' 'What did she do again' I mentally went through what she could possibly be going on about. Then it clicked.

"Ok Y/n, babe. I need you to open the door please. If you open it I can help you out" I asked frantically trying to get to my girlfriend as soon as possible.

Y/n's POV
I used all of my strength to push myself up from the floor. I twisted the lock on the door and it opened within seconds. I couldn't bare to look at her. Guilt was taking over my body as well as the sobs.

"Oh baby" she said sadly. Natasha grabbed my wrist and immediately placed it under cold water. She carefully rinsed off the dry blood. Nat searched through the cabinets for the first aid kit. When she found it she immediately got out the alcohol wipes and started to clean the cuts.

"I'm sorry" she said when I hissed in pain. Once they were all sanitised I was still bleeding quite a lot, so she picked up a bandage and started wrapping my lower arm.

"Why?" She asked quietly. I looked up into her eyes and just saw sadness. She was sad because I was doing so well and I was almost a year clean.

"I don't know. Everything just got too much and you weren't here" I said tearing up.

"Hopefully there isn't a next time, but if there is, call me. I'll drop everything I'm doing and come straight to you." She reassured me. I simply nodded in return.

Once I was all bandaged up, we both got into our pyjamas and got into bed. We turned on the tv and put Netflix on. She scrolled through searching for my favourite show/movie. She pressed play and I snuggled deeper into her chest. She gave me a kiss on the head and from that point we spent the rest of the evening in bed. The only time we got out was to go to the bathroom or when Nat got up to get the pizza we ordered.


If you commented on my last part (my face reveal thing) I actually love you. All of your comments made my day and I just want to say thank you 😚

My dms are always open so feel free to message me about anything <3

Have a good rest of the day/night

Go get something to eat and/or drink

~Millie 🤍🤍

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