"mummy's sick"

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Words~ 1335 (buckle up bitches)
Warnings~ throwing up ?
(You're not an avenger in this one. You've just got a boring job.)

No ones pov *7am*
Nat had left her little family at 5 o'clock this morning. Her job is pretty unpredictable. One minute she'll be doing normal every day activities, either with her wife and daughter or just by herself, then the next she's being called in for a mission.

That's what happened this morning. Nat got a call from Maria asking Nat to come in for a mission. It wasn't a big mission though. A few people from the team were going on a steak out. She wasn't really needed but better safe than sorry.

Without waking her wife, Y/n, she managed to get dressed and head out the door. Before doing so she left a note for her wife and placed it on the nightstand next to her.

Got called in. Should be home later tonight. Call me if there's an emergency. Love you.
Nat ♡

Y/n woke up at 7:03. The sun was peaking through the gaps of the blinds creating a natural glow in the bedroom. She looked to the side to grab her phone. She saw the little note placed beside her phone and picked it up. As she read over the few words and small smile made it's way into her lips.

Y/n has always kept the notes Nat writes in a little box at the back of their shared closet. She picked up her phone and scrolled through social media for a little while. Her peaceful morning was interrupted by the small cries coming from the baby monitor next to her.

Y/n pulled back the grey duvet and got out of bed. She made her way down the corridor to her daughters room. As she opened the door the cries stopped. She saw her 3 and a half year old daughter, Alexa, standing up in her crib with tear stained cheeks.

"Hey baby" Y/n walked towards Alexa, who was now making grabby hands. "Good sleep" Alexa nodded with a small 'yeah' as she picked her up.

Y/n slipped a dummy in Alexa's mouth. Y/n walked around the room rubbing circles ok her back. Y/n felt Alexa's full nappy, it was full.

She placed the small girl on the changing table across the room. She grabbed a fresh nappy and the wet wipes and began cleaning her daughter up.

Once that was done Y/n picked Alexa up, went to her drawers and grabbed a pair of black leggings and lavender jumper. Once she had her daughter dressed she made her way over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

Y/n rocked Alexa patting her bum gently humming a lullaby Nat normally sung when Alexa was crying. With it being the early hours of the morning, Alexa slowly fell asleep happily sucking on her dummy. Y/n followed shortly after.

*few hours later*
It was now 10:30 am. Y/n woke up and got up with Alexa still in her arms. She grabbed the light grey jungle gym mat and headed back to her room. She walked into the bathroom and placed the mat on the floor. She carefully placed the sleeping toddler down.

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