"I'm not happy with you"

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Words~ 657
Warning~ none? Maybe swearing

Y/n's POV
I was bored today and everything I did fails to entertain me. I tried drawing but that didn't work. I did some training but slowly got bored of that. I even went and asked Tony if he needed me to do anything, to which he said no.





Watch a movie?


Nothing was entertaining!

I slowly made my way to my girlfriends office in hopes she was there so she could entertain me (if you know what I mean) but she wasn't. I'm pretty sure she got called out on a last minute mission. Hopefully she isn't long because I really don't know if I can last any longer being this bored!

While I was in her office I noticed how organised it was. Don't get me wrong, I knew Natasha didn't like mess and she had to have everything in the right place, but her office was a little too tidy.

I smirked to myself as I began moving all her stuff around. I moved the mouse of her computer to the left. Her stapler was moved to one of her drawers. I scattered paper clips all over her desk and moved some papers around. I noticed the sticky notes on her desk so I grabbed them and a pen and began writing.

By the time I was done everything in the office was labelled with a sticky note. The plant had 'plant' written on it and her computer had 'computer' on it and so on.

Because I was done with that I decided to go find Wanda or Yelena to annoy them while I waited for Natasha to come home.

—— *no ones POV*

Natasha had just got back from the small last minute mission Fury assigned her to. She made her way back to her office to fill out a mission report to get it over and done with. Although when she got inside she stopped and stared around the room. She read every note and ripped them off as she went around. Once she removed them all and threw them away, she finally sat down at her desk.

She knew it was Y/n but didn't do anything about it now because she was tired and wanted to get her paperwork all done. When Natasha sat down she noticed all the mess. She sighed and moved everything back to where she had left it this morning.


Nat had finished for the day and she knew she could now relax. "Hey J.A.R.V.I.S? Get Y/n in my office now please" she asked the A.I.

When J.A.R.V.I.S interrupted Y/n and Wanda's conversation asking Y/n to go to Nat's office, Wanda immediately gave Y/n a look before asking, "What have you done now?"

"May have pissed my girlfriend off" she replied casually with a shrug of her shoulders.

Y/n got to Natasha's office and knocked before entering. Natasha was already looking Y/n dead in the eye with no emotion on her face whatsoever.

"Hey babe" Y/n smiled brightly knowing Natasha was back. She moved around Nat's desk and sat down in her lap.

"I'm not happy with you" Nat stated bluntly. This made Y/n's eyebrows pull together as she was confused. She didn't mean for it to be a harmful prank and definitely didn't mean to upset Natasha. She wasn't mad at all. All she wanted to do was get the rest of her work done so she could enjoy the rest of the evening snuggled up with her girlfriend. But because Y/n had rearranged her desk, she had to spend 20 minutes doing that. It wasn't that long but still.

"I'm sorry" Y/n replied giving Natasha a kiss on the lips. Nat melted into the kiss and pulled Y/n in closer by her neck.

"I can't even stay mad at you" Natasha whispered as their lips parted for air.


Ik I said I'm doing Christmas oneshots but I've only had like 3 requests so 🤷🏽‍♀️

I have one exam left and honestly I'm so over exams.

Have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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