Birthday (S•J)

4.8K 154 35

Words~ 602
Warnings~ none
(Not proof read I'm so tired)

22nd November

Y/n's POV
I had just woken up next to my gorgeous wife. Scarlett was 37 today but she sure as hell doesn't look like it. I admired all the small features on her face like the few freckles she had scattered across her face, to her long dark eyelashes that rested soon her cheeks.

"You're staring" Scarlett mumbled with her eyes shut.

I playfully scoffed before replying, "no. I'm admiring my beautiful wife. Am I not allowed to do that?" I teased.  She opened her eyes just to roll them at my childish behaviour.

"Happy birthday my love" I whispered as I gave her a kiss on the lips. It got more heated by the second. She placed her lips back on mine and I moved to straddle her lap. As I was about to move further down her body we were interrupted by a small scream. We didn't hear the door open, we were to busy making out to notice.

We turned out attention to our 7 year old daughter, Rose, who had her small hand covering her eyes.

"Good morning bub" Scarlett laughed as she moved off of me. The small girl carefully removed her hand making sure I had gotten off Scarlett. Rose jumped onto our bed with a piece of paper in her hand. She passed the paper to Scarlett with a massive grin on her face. Scarlett opened the paper and her eyes began to water.

"Happy birthday mama!" The 7 year old exclaimed and threw herself on top of Scarlett to give her a hug.

"This is beautiful" she whispered to Rose. Scarlett handed it to me to take a look. Rose had drawn a picture of us three in a garden. For a 7 year old I have to admit, Rose was pretty good at drawing.

"When did you make this?" I asked Rose. She broke the hug with Scarlett to hug me.

"With aunt Lizzie yesterday" she smiled with one of her teeth missing in the front.


We had waffles and freshly cut fruit for breakfast as well as orange juice.

We decided that we are going to go to the zoo for Scarlett's birthday today. So after breakfast I helped Rose get ready as Scarlett had a shower. I would've joined her but we would've had Rose waiting a lot longer and you can't keep a 7 year old waiting so I decided to do that later instead. She was getting birthday sex either way but it meant she had to wait until later when Rose is asleep.

Once we were all done we got into the car and drove off. On the way we sung along to all the Disney songs.

We walked around the zoo making sure we saw every animal there was. Rose loved the otters and all the birds. After looking at all the animals we made our way to the little café to get a hot drink and for Rose, a ice cream.


We got home after a long day out. I made us Scarlett's favourite dinner and we ate it as a family. Rose got very messy so I told Scarlett to go relax in bed while I bathed my messy daughter. I washed and dried her and put her into clean pyjamas. I tucked her into bed and read her a story, specifically 'the hungry caterpillar'

Once she had dozed off I practically ran to our room. Once I got there, I swear my heart stopped for a moment. There she was. On the bed in lingerie and holy fuck was she hot.


Thought I'd post something for Scarlett's birthday.

My exams started today and I have another 9 days of them.

Have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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