Grumpy (S•J)

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Words~ 804 (not proof read cause I'm so tired rn)
Warnings~ idek none ?
(You are 5)

Scarlett had to wake Y/n up at 6:30am this morning so she could film. She's been very grumpy recently and Scarlett doesn't know why. Y/n's just been really tired and not been getting the best sleep.

"Y/n, baby, you need to wake up" she cooed. She used two fingers to brush the stray hairs off her face.

"No" Y/n grumbled pushing he off slightly. Her mama was waking her up and she wasn't happy about it.

Scarlett picked her up and began getting her dressed. She settled for some legging and a beige jumper with some little shoes. Y/n fussed the whole time while Scarlett was trying to dress her. She just wouldn't sit still.

She fed her some fruit with her slice of toast and was out the door on the way to set.


Scarlett's POV
Y/n fell asleep in the car so that meant I had to wake her up again. This isn't going to be fun. I picked her up out of her car seat and bounced her gently in my arms. "Time to wake up baby"

"No mama!" She shouted right next to my ear. Ouch. That hurt.

We got to the hair and makeup trailer and I had Y/n sat on my lap. She started to get bored as I forgot to bring a toy to keep her occupied today. She picked up the hairbrush that was sitting on the counter in front of her and threw it on the floor.

"You can't throw things Y/n!" I said sternly, well as much as I could to a 5 year old. She burst into tears and started flailing her arms and legs around. Luckily I was done with hair and makeup so I got up from the chair with my screaming daughter in my arms and apologised to lily, the hair stylist.

Once I got out of the trailer I had to go to mine to change into my costume. On the way there I saw Lizzie and Flo walking towards us.

"Hey Scar, hey Y/n" Lizzie said to us ignoring Y/n screaming.

I gave her a small smile. "Hey guys, how are you today?" I asked, hoping this conversation came to an end soon. Not because I didn't want to talk to them, but because I have a screaming 5 year old in my arms.

"We're good, we got to go film but we'll see you later yeah ?" Flo said.

"Yeah see you guys later" I replied.

I got into my trailer and just about had enough with the crying and the kicking. I placed her in the sofa. "Enough!" I half shouted. She stopped and looked at me through teary eyes. She was just silent. "Can you please tell me what's wrong my love?" I pleaded.

"Are you hurt?" I asked to which she shook her head no

"Are you hungry?" She shook her head no. "What is wrong?" I asked giving her a kiss on the head.

"Tired mama" she mumbled rubbing her fists against her eyes. She probably had about 8 hours sleep last night. It does seem like a lot but she needs more.

So, I picked her up and moved us to the bedroom. I got under the covers with her on my chest. "Go sleep bubs" I whispered. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Her eyelids were very heavy and they finally shut.

I texted Kevin and asked if he could push back my scene by an hour or two. Thankfully, he agreed as the scene Lizzie, Flo and some others were filming got pushed back.


Y/n was asleep for about an hour and a half before she woke up.

"You feeling better?" I asked when she looked up at me. She nodded her head and placed a kiss on my nose. I returned the favour, placing a kiss on her head and gently brushed through her hair. We spent the next 20 minutes cuddling each other.


She did have to have another hour nap later on in the day because she was very grumpy. But I had to film so she had a nap with Flo. I told her to watch her but when I came back they were both snoring slightly. I took and photo and a video of the two because it was a very adorable sight.

We got home at around 6:30 pm and I cooked Y/n's dinner and put her straight to bed. Tomorrow is Sunday so we don't have to wake up early. I let her sleep for as long as possible in hopes that when she wakes up she's a lot more happier.


My updates 📈📈📈

i came out to my mum today on the bus. she was very happy and then she told my dad (I asked her to) and he was also very happy. his reaction was very cute.

He most definitely cried lol

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He most definitely cried lol.

Have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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