Dating Natasha romanoff would include

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Warnings~none I don't think

~waking up early to go and train together

~long evening walks while holding hands, talking about the future together

~Nat would come up behind you at any moment of the day and wrap her arms around you, pulling you into her and resting her head on your shoulder. She would also kiss your neck when giving you hug from behind.

~stealing each other's clothes

~her being very protective

~kisses wherever and whenever she felt like it

~long and passionate kisses

~she would braid your hair

~you would learn some Russian phrases for her specifically:

"ya tak sil'no tebya lyublyu"
(I love you so much)

"ty prekrasna"
(You're beautiful)

~making each other coffee in the morning

~late night talks about how your day was

~big spoon Nat, little spoon you
Except when she was upset

~she would be a huge tease

~date nights !!!!!!

~hickeys. You get a lot of comments from Tony about the hickeys Nat gives you.

~calling her Natalia when She's being annoying (she secretly loves it )

~can get quite jealous
Update game strong 💪 Lmao

Have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍

Natasha Romanoff x Female reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now