Drink 🥤

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Warnings~ none I don't think

I was sat in mine and Nat's room waiting for her to finish her paperwork so we could just cuddle up and watch a movie or just do anything that would entertain me. Don't get me wrong I loved having days off but sometimes they could get kinda... boring? No. Very boring.

I was starting to grow impatient, scrolling through my phone was just boring now. So I got up from out bed and made my way over to the desk and jumped up and sat on it. "I'm thirsty." I blurted out, trying to get her to stop working.

"That's nice" she replied not looking up from the files. "Can you get me a drink please?" I asked with a slight pout.

"No I'm busy, can't you wait just a little longer?" She said slightly annoyed.

"But I want a drink, lemonade to be specific." I said with my arms crossed, sitting on my girlfriends desk.

"Babes... go get it yourself, the kitchen is literally down the hall and around the corner, it's not a long walk." Nat said.

I sighed "Fine then! I'll remembers this! Next time you ask for something or you need me to go get something for you or do something for you I-" suddenly Nat kissed me, slamming her lips against mine, knowing this is the only way to shut me up, like literally I could talk for days.(me lmao)

She slowly pulled away and whispered into my ear, "stop being so lazy and get it yourself drama queen... but bring a snack for your amazing girlfriend please princess?"  She said.

"Ughhh! Fine!" I groaned, jumping off the desk, making my way to the kitchen.

I didn't know how to end this one so I kinda left it there.

Note: I'm back at school next week :( so my updates might be a bit slower but I'll try my best to update regularly.

Question~ what's your favourite Marvel movie?

Have a good rest of the day/night
~Millie 🤍

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