Los Angeles(smut)

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Storyline: Steve and Apollo in LA(what did you fucking expect?)

It was Thursday, when Apollo arrived in LA. His flight landed and he managed to make it to Steve's apartment. It had been a long flight so he was happy that they have him some down time before doing anything.

Steve sat down on the couch, moving closer to Ellum than he normally would. Dumbdog scanned him, unamused with what he was doing. By the gleam in the rats eyes he knew exactly how to push Apollo's buttons.

Ellum absently placed an arm around Steve's shoulders. Koji clearly did not care and knew exactly what Steve was playing at. Everyone say and talked for a while, letting Dumbdog be quiet most of the time to recover from a long flight.

"Let's go to the beach!" Koji finally squealed. Steve laughed and agreed, happy with the idea. They mentioned it earlier on stream but Steve had insisted on waiting for Apollo. So they had.

They went to the beach, Apollo walking ahead of the brits with Steve close to his side. He looked up at the stars, not fully listening to Steve talk but taking it in. Last time he had met Steve in person, they had hooked up. But was it the same thing now? Or was it a one time thing? Steve definitely seemed to be acting like a brat.

"Apollo. What are we doing tonight when we get home~" Steve asked, and Apollo looked at him.

"What? Aren't you supposed to be with Ellum?" Apollo hissed, not amused with Steve's antics of the day. Steve hummed.

"Apollo~" his voice became whiny and Apollo snapped

"Enough. Knock of the bratting. I'm over it," he hissed. Steve's jaw snapped shut, forgetting how controlling Apollo could be when he wanted.

Eventually they made it back to the apartment and they split up. Steve dragged Apollo to the bedroom, pulling him on top of him. Apollo spoke into his ear

"You really want this huh?" He said, voice teasing Steve. Steve whined softly, grabbing at Apollo.

"Please. God I've missed you," Steve murmured as Apollo hummed in his ear. He wrapped his arms around Apollo's shoulders, taking a hand and grabbing Dumbdogs hair. A soft moan came from the taller man, biting his lip in attempt to be quiet.

"Fine. But you have to be silent,"

"Alright," Steve said, happy to be getting exactly what he wanted. Apollo teased a hand under the bottom of Steve's shirt, humming a little and starting to kiss his neck. Steve moaned softly, gasping at the feeling. This is exactly what he had been craving since last time they saw each other.

Apollo tugged off Steve's shirt, staring at the mans body. He kissed Steve's chest, making the man moan even louder. Apollo let out a growl, angry that Steve wasn't being quiet.

"I said fucking hush," he whispered. Steve whined at the loss of contact and being scolded. He wanted to be fucked and Apollo seemed so determined to just tease him. "Fine. You want to be vocal?" He asked.

Apollo shoved Steve onto the bed, instead of a slightly propped up position they had been in. He gave Steve an order to stay, that Steve obeyed, and walked to the closet.

Steve watched as Apollo searched for something. Steve didn't know what he was doing and whined loudly in order to get attention.

"Dumbdog!" He whined, sitting up. But at Apollo's sharp look and low growl he dropped onto his back. Apollo straddled his stomach, holding something in his hand. He shoved it in Steve's mouth, gagging him in attempt to make him hush. Thin walls were not their friend.

Steve felt Apollo tug off his jeans and boxers, before he watched his friend-Boyfriend?-strip down himself. Steve knew what was coming next and felt Apollo suck on his neck. That would leave a dark mark.

Steve moaned loudly as a finger slid into him, causing the gag to come out of his mouth. Dumbdog didn't bother to fix it, instead he connected their lips and moved his hand to Steve's throat.

"You are fucking loud," Dumbdog hissed, pulling away before he pressed down on Steve's throat. Steve choked a little, coughing as he gasped for breath. Apollo released a little, removing his finger just wanting to slam himself into Steve

And he did, instead of being gentle with Steve like he had done in the past, he instead pushed his full length into the man and earned a slutty moan in response. He stopped trying to make Steve hush.

He thrust roughly into Steve, hearing cries of pure bliss from under him. A sharp gasp and a groan signaled he found what he wanted. Steve couldn't focus on anything other than Apollo.

"Apollo~" he groaned as he gripped the mans shoulders. His hips bucked, desperately attempting to get even more of the man. "Please. Please just more~" Steve wasn't sure he was making sense to the man.

A soft groan slipped from the taller man and he came quickly, pulling out as Steve followed his lead. Apollo pulled the slightly shorter man to his side,

"You alright?"


"Feel better?"


"Well I hope that we didn't scar Koji and Ellum," Apollo murmured only to look down and see Steve he was already asleep

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