Control freak

535 14 0

Storyline: Hafu has a breakdown at school due to her mother being to nitpicky

"Hafu!" Came a call from behind the yellow girl as she sat in a classroom. She turned to see Janet walk in and sat in her seat next to her.

"Hey Jan Jan. What's up?"

"Girl what happened to you last night?" Valkyrae asked as she came in. Plushies and Tina came in as well.

"Yeah, it was girls night," Tina said. Hafu let out a nervous laugh and gave a weak smile.

"Yeah. Sorry. Something came up," she said softly. The girls glanced at each other with worry. That definitely wasn't like Hafu.

"You sure you're ok?" Kimi asked her.

"I'm fine. I'll be right back," she said and ran out of the classroom. The girls watched her go, unsure of what to do next.

Hafu pushed between Toast and Sykunno as she ran off. She couldn't take it anymore. She started to cry and ducked into an empty classroom.

She sat down against a wall and pulled her knees to her chest as she tried to stop the tears.

She heard the door shut and looked up. Toast sat down next to her without a word. They had been friends for so long that it was nice to just have him near.

"Toast. Go to class," She muttered and he looked at her.

"I'm good. You on the other hand are crying. Very unHafu like. Wanna talk about it?"

"I-it's nothing," she stuttered and rested her chin on her knees.

"It's your mom isn't it?" He finally asked and she wiped away a few tears.

"How did you know?"

"Cause I know you. You gonna tell me or are we gonna sit here in silence?"

"I got a 85 on my last test. You know what my mother is like. I'm not supposed to get anything below a 90," she said and Toast nodded.

"You can't be perfect Hafu. It's our senior year of high school and you need to relax a little. You've already been accepted at a collage. Just breathe," Toast said softly. She nodded and closed her eyes for a second.

"Thanks Toast. I'm glad you're here right now," she told him. He smiled and stood up.

"Shall we get to class then?"

"I'm not happy about it but yeah. Let's go," she said. They both started towards first period. Hafu was just glad to have a good friend to lean on

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