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Storyline: Cib drags Steve to a concert and ditches him. But the singer notices

Steve had been dragged to a concert by Cib. He had lost the man a few minutes prior and was alone and felt a little bit lost. He walked in circles, trying to find a way outside. He checked his phone, the tracking app he had for Cib. He had actually been left.

The concert ended, Steve sat down on the curb. It was an hour drive here, and he didn't have cash or his card to get an Uber of sorts. He couldn't ask a random person to bring him home, that was dangerous. So he was stuck.

A hand on his shoulder made him flinch, he looked up to see a tall man standing there. Soft ginger hair in what seemed to be a buzz cut. He was familiar but Steve couldn't tell why

"Are you not going home?" The man asked, sitting down next to him. Steve shrugged.

"My friend ditched me, he already left and I don't have any money on me,"

"If you would like, I can take you home in the morning. You can stay with me for the night,"

"I don't even know you,"

"Considering you were at my concert, I'd say otherwise," that moment is when it struck Steve, of course. This was Dumbdog, the singer and rapper. He felt stupid now. "And what exactly is your name?"

"Oh, right. I'm Steve. My friend had dragged me here in the first place,"

"We'll come back to my bus with me and I will make sure you get home personally tomorrow," Dumbdog said. Steve couldn't help a smile as a soft blush spread across his cheeks. Dumbdog pulled the man to his feet, holding his hand while they walked to the tour bus.

Steve was brought inside, not sure what to say. There were instruments, a recording studio, a small living room area, and of course a bedroom. It had one bed though. Steve paused as Dumbdog attempted to lead him into the bedroom.

"Hey, come on. You're alright here," Dumbdog said in a soothing voice. Steve felt mesmerized, like he was in a trance. He couldn't help but nod as he was pulled onto the bed and to Dumbdogs chest.

"Sorry if this is an issue for you Dumbdog," Steve murmured

"Call me Apollo. And if I didn't care, you would still be outside," Steve felt his cheeks heat up even more. Their body's were pressed closely together, it felt nice after being in the cold. He pressed as close as he could and buried his face into Apollo's shoulder.


"It's alright," Apollo murmured, rubbing Steve's back. They both fell asleep and by the next morning Steve was awake first. He didn't know where he was for a moment then everything that happened came back to him.

Immediately he started to squirm, wanting out of the singers grasp. He was a burden. Apollo's grip only tightened and the taller man spoke, causing Steve to freeze

"Shhhh. You're alright," Dumbdog said. Steve leaned back into the warmth before sitting up. He knew he looked like a mess right now and hated to be seen like it. Apollo got up, grabbing some clothes and handing them to Steve. "Here, you can keep these. Go ahead and change, I'll be right back," he said and left.

Steve wasn't sure if he was ok with changing but he did so quickly. He was in one of Apollo's shirts and hoodies, and a pair of jeans. It was comfy, Steve was happy he could keep them. He walked out of the bedroom area and saw Apollo talking to the driver.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around Apollo's neck, he was ready to go home but he didn't want to leave the singer.

"What's your address?" Steve gave it to him reluctantly. Apollo led Steve to the living room area, pulling the man onto his lap as the bust started to drive. "Do you have your phone?"

"Yeah," Steve said, pulling it out of the hoodie pocket. Apollo took it and unlocked it, doing something with it. Steve didn't really care that much and let it happen. He felt safe here. Apollo handed back his phone. Steve looked at it, realizing that he now had Dumbdogs number. He looked at Apollo with shock. "You gave me your number?"

"Of course. I figured why not? Let's keep in touch," Apollo said, Steve felt his face flush even more. An hour later the bus came to a stop, of course people were coming out in the street to see what the singer was doing here. Cib walked out of the house, and he looked pissed and hungover.

"I'll see you around," Apollo whispered, kissing Steve's cheek. Steve smiled but couldn't find the words to respond with as he left the bus. People watched him and he hated it, making it inside with Cib before he heard the bus screech off.

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