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Storyline: Hafu wants to adopt a kid so she goes to the orphanage with 5up. There she meets an older kid named Steve

A/N-this was in my head while on a boat today. So now it's your turn

Hafu and 5up entered the orphanage. Hafu had been waiting for a while to adopt and decided to bring her friend with her.

"Ready Hafu?" He asked her. The yellow streamer nodded and the met the person at the counter.

"Good morning. My name is Tina. You must be Hafu and 5up," she said with a bright smile. Hafu nodded and Tina led them to a room. "So what age group are we looking at?" She asked.

"Um. I don't really know," Hafu answered. Tina  glanced at 5up who only shrugged.

"May I suggest some younger kids? Probably 5 or 6?" Tina asked and the door opened.

A boy with curly brown hair stepped in. He seemed older and kinda shy. He wore glasses and a red hat with a red jacket tied around his waist. Ripped jeans and tennis shoes completed the outfit.

"Um. Sorry. Tina, Toast wanted to see you," he said softly. Hafu couldn't take her eyes off the young boy.

"Of course. I'll be right back. Steve, want to help them until I can?" She asked. He nodded and smiled shyly at them. Tina closed the door behind them and the red boy shifted his weight.

"Hi. I'm Steve. I'm 16,"

"You work here?" Hafu asked in disbelief. 5up couldn't form word to convey how he felt.

"No. I'm one of the kids here. Have been since I was a baby. But what age range are we looking at?" He asked. His voice was softer than what they expected for how confident he seemed.

"We weren't really sure. Are you the oldest?" She asked him and he nodded.

"It's not really important though," he said and shrugged slightly. Hafu felt bad for the kid.

"Have you ever been adopted?"

"Fostered. There's a difference. But not adopted. I'm kinda screwed up," he admitted and shook his head. An obviously fake smile took his face and he nodded. "Would you like me to get someone? I think I know who you would like," Steve said.

Hafu nodded for him to go and he returned with a 5 year old. Tina eventually came back after a few more kids but before she could grab another one Hafu spoke up.

"I think I've made my decision," she said. Tina and 5up both looked taken aback and looked at her. "I want to adopt Steve. The 16 year old," she said.

"Hafu, Steve isn't really what we would call 'fit for adoption' he hasn't ever had a home that worked out," Tina explained. Hafu shook her head stubbornly.

"No. The boy needs a home until he's 18,"

"He's 16. That's 2 years. Steve's used to it here," she said gently. 5up decided to speak.

"I think we'll take adopt Steve. We've made up our minds," 5up said. Tina smiled and nodded happily.

"Alright then. I'll get the paper work. Steve's room is upstairs to the right. You'll tell it easily," she said. "Wait here Hafu, 5up you can go get him," Tina told him.

5up stood up and went to go get the younger male. He opened the door and saw Steve sitting there with a guitar. Steve looked up as the door opened.

"Hi? 5up right?" He asked and the pink man nodded.

"Yup. Hey Steve, how do you feel about going home with me and Hafu?" He asked and Steve almost dropped the instrument.

"What? You're fostering me?" He asked mad didn't seem convinced.

"Adopting actually. There's a difference," 5up said, half quoting the boys earlier statement.

"Adopting? Are you serious?" Steve asked and he seemed excited about the idea.

"Yup. I'll help you pack," 5up offered. Steve nodded and he seemed happier than earlier.

They brought everything to Hafus car and she joined them.

"Ready Steve?" She asked and the boy nodded. He kept a guitar case with his favorite guitar with him in the car and got to know the two adult in front of him

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