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So it's not really a story? I found the counting crows poem and turned it into something? Sorry for the depression in advance

One for sorrow
Watching your loved one die was all to hard. Especially when you were the reason.

Apollo learned that the hard way
He waited
And he waited

All for his lover to come back
But of course he never did

And he knew deep down it was his fault for not going
For now helping

Apollo slipped into a deep sorrow

Two for mirth
Laughter rang from room after room
The man couldn't help but smile

Amusement on his face
A smile people called scary as he laughed

Sure he was insane
But that wasn't all his fault

Not when you're forced to me insane
Not when it's the opposite way

DK laughed in pain

Three for a death
Death is a terrible thing
More so when you experience it yourself

The moments you know you're gonna die
The moment you realize that it's all over

And yet nobody will come and save you
Nobody is by your side

You finally close your eyes
And let the darkness take you

5up had finally died

Four for a birth
Birth was supposed to be happy
So why was it scary

When you have a baby you're supposed to relax
You're supposed to be happier than ever

Yet somehow you know something so wrong
And the doctors come to tell you

You cry in shock when you learn
You're baby didn't survive

Hafu was broken inside

Five for silver
Second place silver means first loser
You didn't win yet you didn't lose

You could've done better
You could've taken the gold

Yet someone was ahead of you
And beat you to the milestone

So you stand there in shock
Watching as people forget you exist

Koji was only second in the list

Six for gold
Winning is great
Yet things go oh so wrong

The only way to win
Is to cheat in the game

So you take the drug, or you take the pill
You don't put in the actual skill

You cross the line ahead of the others
And yet you know you don't deserve it

Ellum had cheated for a single win

Seven for a secret never to be told
Secrets are dangerous
Depending on what you know

You could be killed
For the information

People will ask you and beg
Just so they feel special

But when you finally come out
People hate you

Smajor was never outing himself now

Eight for a promise
Promises are made to be broken
And it never gets better when they are

You'll sit there and make one
Placing all the trust you have in the person

Only for a day later for it to be shattered
They betrayed your trust

They never showed up or maybe they did
Maybe they left you all alone

Janet knew her lover wasn't coming home

Nine is foresworn
Lying is wrong, even under oath
Where your supposed to tell the whole truth

But maybe you do lie
Just to protect them

You turn yourself in
You lie and take the blame

Or maybe you lie to arrest them
Get them into jail

Kimi watched as her lover was taken to the chair

Ten is a treasure 'neath thorn
Thorns hurt so you stay away
But sometimes treasure can make you greedy

So you'll dig and You'll dig
You'll look for hours

You won't even notice the branches moving
Until they slowly warp around you

The thorns hurt and you cry in pain
Yet nobody will come and save you

Steve is slowly pricked to death

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