Early morning streams

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Storyline: Dumbdog flew out to see Steve and decided to stream while Steve slept. In Steve's room. On Steve's channel.

Apollo crept into the other mans room and saw he was still asleep. After the late night of waiting for Dumbdog who could blame him?

Dumbdog smiled and walked over to Steve's computer. He made sure that the camera was off and started up the stream.

He waited for a minute before starting to look at chat. Nobody knew he was here yet so when he spoke chat freaked out.

"Yeah. Hi chat. Good morning. What do you mean I'm not Steve?" He asked in a fake tone. He laughed softly and glanced behind him, making sure his friend was still asleep.

"Yes. I am afraid you've caught me. I might not be the rat king but I sure am a Dumbdog," he said. Chat was definitely excited now. Steve and Apollo in the same house?

"Where is Steve? Oh, yeah, he's asleep still. It's too early but I felt like streaming and decided to just stream with his stuff," Dumbdog said and heard the bed move. Steve had rolled over.

"Is anyone on the VC?" He asked and checked. DK was but he was deafened. "Should we go talk to DK?" He asked and chat told him yes.

DKs chat told him Steve was on the VC so he glanced. Sure enough they were right.

"Hello?" He asked and Dumbdog tried to suppress a smile.

"Well good morning DK!" Dumbdog said and tried to imitate Steve.

"Dumbdog? Hello? You aren't even-" DK started to say only to fade in silence with a confused look on his face.

"No, this is Steve. Are you feeling ok bud?" Dumbdog was trying not to laugh and the chat knew.

"Am I going insane?" DK asked with concern in his voice. Dumbdog lost it and started to laugh. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up.

"Hang on DK," he said and deafened. "Good morning baby," he said and Steve gave him a confused look.

"Why are you streaming? It's early." Steve muttered and looked at his stream. He realized that Apollo hadn't changed accounts and shot a small glare at him. "And why off of my account?"

"Because I wanted to. Are you going to join me or not?"

"Was it necessary to stream while I slept is my only question. Also, give me back my chair," he said and slowly was waking up more.

"Yes and no. You are not getting back this chair," Dumbdog said and Steve smirked. He picked up Dumbdog and sat him on his lap.

"Thank you," Steve said and unplugged his headphones so that they could both listen easier.

"Steve!" Dumbdog said as his face went red. Steve hummed a little and undeafened.

"Good morning DK!" He said and heard a groan from the other.

"Why am I not surprised. Good morning Steve," he said and they could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"Why do you sound so annoyed bud?"

"Cause now there's two of you!" He said and he could hear the other two start to laugh.

"Oh. That's too bad," Steve said and Apollo leaned into his chest. He was definitely comfortable like this. Why he had no idea. Steve moved so that one arm was around the others waist and they talked with DK for a bit.

"Hey DK. Do us a favor and don't tell anyone that I'm here. Let's just freak them out in the middle of the game. Just pretend I'm Steve," Dumbdog said and got an agreement. Steve was playing mouse and Dumbdog was playing keyboard.

Dumbdog remained pretty quiet in meetings, letting Steve do most of the talking. In the middle of a meeting though Steve had gotten up to go get food.

"Steve was was your path?" DK asked and Apollo tried to think.

"I spawned in electrical and made my way-"

"APOLLO?!" Half of the lobby screamed.

"Guys. Let Steve finish," DK said and kept trying not to laugh.

"Aw, Thank you bud. Anyways, I made my way to kitchen and from there the meeting was called," Dumbdog said and Steve walked back in.

"DK, you are aware that that's not Steve right?" Koji asked with confusion in his voice

"What are you talking about? Of course it's Steve," DK said, knowing that they had some time before voting ended.

"Yeah, what are you taking about? Of course it's me bud!" Steve said and made Apollo get up again. He pulled the man back o his lap and close to his chest before handing him the food from Starbucks.

"Wait what?" 5up said and froze. First Koji and Ellum and now Steve and Dumbdog.

"Don't worry about it," Steve said and deafened as the meeting ended with nobody ejected.

Immediately they both started to laugh and the game ended with an arsonist win from Hafu.

"Steve? Is Apollo at your house?" Janet asked. Steve hummed and smiled.

"Oh of course. Is there a problem Janet?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ellum asked in betrayal.

"We thought you knew," Dumbdog said and let himself be pulled to Steve's chest.

"Wow. Ok good. I thought I was going insane," the pink man and let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait, DK. Did you know about that?"

"Only from this morning. I thought I had lost it until they explained," he said answering Hafus question.

"Alright. Well then, let's play," Hafu said and another round started. Steve rested his head on Apollo's shoulder so he could see the screen.

Dumbdog couldn't tell why he liked the attention from Steve and moved their chart across the screen. Steve smiled and nuzzled Dumbdogs neck for a second before turning back to the game.

"Vent," Apollo told him since they were engineer. Steve listened and frowned as DK ran past them and hopped into a vent as well.

"So DK is the imposter. Good to know," Dumbdog said Steve only really hummed in response.

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