MCC(pt 2)

266 7 2

Requested by @heyitsonly

And guys, don't ever feel bad for asking for part 2s. I enjoy writing them. Don't forget you guys can request things

Steve stood there, in the crowd. Watching as Hafu, 5up, Tubbo, and Antfrost wore the crowns. The crowns that he could've won

"IF YOU HADNT FUCKED UP THAT LAST SHOT!!" Tommy screamed. He was angry and Steve understood why.

But that didn't mean it didn't hurt. He barely knew the kid and yet it stung.

"Tommy-" Apollo said gently. But it was too late. Steve shut off his stream as he started to cry. He left the VC and the server.

He didn't move from his chair as he started to sob. He messed up of course it was his fault.

His phone rang and he saw it was DK. He declined the call. He didn't deserve his friends. He messed it up for them.

Another call. This time it was Apollo. Again, he declined. Finally it was a discord group. Both of them were calling him.

He knew there was no other way to get out of it and answered the call. He kept his face cam off and tried to steady his voice.

"Hey guys,"

"Steve, why'd you leave like that? You aren't really listening to Tommy are you?" DK asked him. Steve could feel the older mans worry and held back a soft whimper.

"N-no. I just needed to take care of little foot," Steve lied to his friends. Of course though they saw right through it

" Don't lie to us," Apollo said gently. Steve finally broke down in tears again.

"He's right. I shouldn't have messed up that last shot," he said as tears fell from his eyes.

"Bud no. It's not your fault and it's ok. It's just a game," DK said, trying to comfort him. Steve shook his head, despite his camera being off

"But it is my fault! I'm the reason we lost every game," Steve said. Apollo sighed and Steve stared at the screen. Both of them had on their face cams.

"It's not your fault. Nobody cares that we lost, it was all for fun and to raise money," Apollo said gently. Steve wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I know you're lying. I should never have agreed to play," Steve said.

"But you did so good. You did better than me and I've played for a while," DK explained. He wanted to see Steve smile more than anything

"Steve, if you had bothered to check your individual rank, you came in 5th," Apollo said

"Tommy was in 10th," DK piped in. Steve smiled slightly

"Steve, can you turn on your camera?" Apollo asked him gently. Steve listened and smiled weakly at his friends

And so they talked all night for the hell of it

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