A day on the lake

406 9 3

Storyline: the crew spends a day on the lake

I'm actually was/am up at a lake while I write this...

Who knew that a normal day on the lake could end in such a funny incident. Of course they were all at a lake together, just for a weekend away.

So of course what's the logical solution when Steve, Apollo, and DK are being bitches to each other?

Stick them on the tube with Ellum and Koji driving. Cause that will always end well...

Steve had really been pissing Apollo off during the day, just being a plain prick. Apollo wasn't a fan of the water and instead was opting to be on the boat and read instead. And of course Steve was trying to drag him into the water.

"Steve I said enough!" Apollo finally snapped. Steve poured

"Apollo! Come on! What are you so afraid of?"

"Nothing. I just don't want to get in the water today," Apollo said. He was laying on his back as DK came over

"Steve, let Apollo stay there,"

"DK, I will throw you into the water,"

"Bet," DK challenged. Big mistake on his part. He was immediately thrown off of the boat and into the water. Nearly on top of Ellum.

"What is your problem today Steve?" Ellum asked. Apollo scoffed

"Him. He is the problem,"

"Ok you know what?!" Steve snapped and got ready to throw Dumbdog into the water. Hafu came over and stopped him first

"Ok that's it. Ellum, get Koji. You three on the tube!" She ordered. Apollo's eyes widened. He set down his book.

"Hafu! I didn't do anything!" He said. DK stared from the back of the boat where he now stood, dripping wet

"Steve's the one who-"

"Don't care. Life jackets. Tube. Ellum, you drive with Koji,"

"Hell yeah boys!" Ellum said and ran to grab his lover.

Apollo took the right side of the tube, much to Steve's annoyance.

"I wanted that side Apollo!"

"And I don't care," Dumbdog snapped back. DK just moved to the middle and Steve begrudgingly took the left.

Ellum of course floored the jet ski with the tube behind it and almost knocked all three off.

He tore through the waves with Koji hanging on. The other five of the stayed on the boat and watched this.

Of course a wave caused Steve to almost go off. Instinctively DK grabbed onto his hand while still hanging on.

Steve pulled himself back on but didn't release DKs hand. Apollo realized that they weren't paying attention and that the next wave would cause them to go off

"Guys, wave!" He called and held onto DK tightly. Ellum saw Hafu give a signal and they all headed back to the boat

"Hafu, you are a bitch," 5up said and watched as the dumbass trio was forced to cooperate on the tube

"It worked though didn't it?" She asked. 5up nodded and smiled

Just some basic fluff. Couldn't resist

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