Adoption(pt. 2)

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Pt 2 anyone. Hey @beforeyoucall I think this is for you.

When they did arrive at Hafus house, Steve was kinda nervous. What if they ended up not liking him? Would they just send him back?

He didn't realize that Hafu had opened the door and that he was zoned out.

"Steve? You ok bud?" She asked. Steve snapped out of his thoughts and nodded quickly.

"Yes, sorry," he said with a guilty smile.

"It's alright. Don't apologize," she said and helped him out of the car. He saw 5up unpacking and was about to go help when Hafu spoke again. "I'll show you your room then we can help 5up," she said. He nodded again and started to feel more relaxed. He gripped his guitar close to settle his anxiety.

"Alright," he mumbled and walked into the house. Were they gonna hurt him? He had been abused before, abandoned. It wouldn't matter at this point.

Hafu lead him to a white room and he looked around. A queen sized bed was in there and he set his case on it.

"This is your room. Go ahead and explore the rest of the house if you want. My room is just down the hall," she explained and went to go help 5up unpack.

Steve watched as Hafu left him there in an open room. She wasn't gonna lock him in here?  Was he gonna get in trouble if he went somewhere?

He decided he wasn't gonna explore in case he did get in trouble. 5up and Hafu came in with boxes and set them down.

"What are you doing Steve? You just gonna stay in here?" She asked and he nodded. A small frown came across her face. "I told you you could go explore," she said and his eyes widened.

He stumbled back and ducked down into a corner. She was gonna hit him! Steve let out an involuntary whimper as Hafu crouched next to the kid.

"Hey, Steve. It's alright bud. I'm not gonna hurt you," she whispered and remembered what he had said before. He was messed up. He had been abused.

"Y-you arent?" He whispered and she nodded to him.

"No. Go on and look around. I promise it will be ok," she said and helped him to his feet again. He nodded and she could tell he was more relaxed.

Steve waited until she was gone before exiting the room. Two dogs came running at him and one jumped up at him. Steve screamed in fear and ran. He ran outside and to the car where a concerned 5up stood.

"Hey. Steve. What's wrong?" He asked and turned. Steve was shaking slightly and pointed to where the dog stood and watched him.

"They tried to attack me," he whimpered and hid behind the pink man.

"No. Thats little foot. Come here," he called to the dog. Steve screamed slightly as the dog came over and started to sniff him. 5up placed a hand on the younger mans shoulder. "It's alright bud," he said softly. Steve put his hand on on the tiny dogs head and slowly relaxed.

Steve let out a soft laugh as little foot started to lick his hand. He picked up the dog slowly and let his face be licked.

"Go on inside bud," 5up told him and the boy nodded. Hafu moved to stand next to her friend and smiled.

"Thanks 5. I'm just glad that we can help him," she said and her fake brother nodded.

"Yeah. He's gonna be just fine here," said 5up as he squeezed Hafus hand. They watched as Steve was sitting on the floor a little ways inside and playing with both dogs. A smile across his face.

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