Weddings(pt 2)

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Steve and Cib had been married for 3 years. But they always were fighting. Take now for instance.

Steve was in another fight with Cib. A screaming match the usually ended up with Steve storming out and sleeping at a friends or Cib would go to Sugar Pine 7.

It never ended up happily. Things were shit and Steve was so tired of it.

"Cib. I can't do it anymore. I think we need a divorce," Steve said. Cib wasn't happy with that and slapped Steve across the face.

Neither man moved for a moment. Cib glared at him.

"I never want to see you ever fucking again Steven," Cib growled. Steve glared back at him.

"Works for me," Steve said and stormed out. He got in his car and drove for a while before arriving at a house he hadn't been to in a while.

Steve got out slowly and walked to the door. He knocked and a unfamiliar man answered the door.

"Hello? Who are you?" He asked the tall man. Steve rubbed the back of his neck.

"My names Steve. My friends use to live here-" he started to explain but before he could turns me leave a familiar voice spoke.

"Baby, who's at the door?" It said and a man came around the corner. Steve couldn't help but stare.

Nothing had changed about him. About Dumbdog. For 3 years since they had last seen or spoken to each other.

"Dumbdog?" Steve asked softly. The man was taken aback.

"Steve? Long time no see huh?" He asked with a soft laugh. "What are you doing here?"

"Cib kicked me out and I just drove. Sorry, I should just-" he started to say and leave only for Dumbdog to grab his wrist.

"I didn't say you had to go. Come on in," Dumbdog said and let the slightly shorter man into the house.

"Bye baby. I'm heading to work," the new man called out. Dumbdog pecked his lips.

"Bye. Love you baby,"

"Love you too," the door shut and it was just Steve and Dumbdog in the house. Apollo went to the kitchen and fixed some wine, it being late at night.

"I haven't seen you in years. Not since the wedding," Dumbdog said. Steve kept staring at the door.

"Who was that?" He asked and Apollo glanced at him.

"My boyfriend. But what happened between you and Cib?"

"He slapped me today. He's never done it before but he kicked me out after that. I'm going to file for divorce. I just didn't know where else to go,"

"Well. You can stay here for a while. I know that Jackson won't care,"

"Hey. I've always wanted to know, what did you mean that night? When you said-"

"Before I left?" Apollo asked, cutting Steve's sentence off. Steve nodded. "A long time ago, I really liked you. As way more than a friend but you were too blind. So I never said anything,"

"Not even when I was getting married?"

"I didn't want you to hate me or to make you unhappy. So I sat there. It's a shame we stopped talking," Apollo said. The men talked for a while more before Steve asked a question.

"So you and Jackson, how serious are you two?" He asked and Dumbdog shrugged.

"I don't know. We've only been together for a year. He moved in a month ago," Apollo explained and earned a weird look from Steve.

"Why didn't I know any of this?" Steve asked in confusion, thinking he would've been told about something like this.

"Cause you didn't pay attention. Get some sleep Steve," Apollo said and grabbed his wine glass. He headed towards the kitchen when he felt hands on his waist.

"Maybe I like you too. So what if we started again? As more than friends?" Steve asked and Dumbdog looked at him in shock.

"Steve. Man. I loved you. But I love Jackson now. You can't expect me to drop everything for you," Dumbdog said, slight anger in his voice.

"Then as friends?" Steve asked hopefully. If he could only have Dumbdog like that, then he would take it.

"Friends. I'd like that. There's the spare room, now go to sleep," Dumbdog said and went into the master bedroom.

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