Afriad of Heights

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Storyline: Part of the crew go to the fair and want to go on the Ferris Wheel. Steve's afraid of heights though but forces himself to go. When the ride breaks the crew discovers his fear

A/N-so I'm legitimacy afraid of heights. I was forced onto a Ferris wheel and I started to cry as it went up...I hate my family sometimes
The crew wanted to go on the Ferris wheel. Steve seemed unhappy but didn't want to disappoint his crew so he went up with a fake smile.

He was going up with Dumbdog, DK, Koji, Hafu and 5up

It was fine going around the first time, but once they reached the top the second time the ride froze.

"There seems to be some difficulties. We will get you out as soon as possible," the announcement said. Steve felt himself start to panic.

He hated heights. He was terrified of the actually. The rest of the crew was still laughing and talking when Apollo became aware that Steve hadn't spoken.

"Steve? Baby, you alright?" He asked his best friend. Steve shook his head no. He hated to admit it but he needed help.

"What's wrong?" DK asked him. Steve didn't respond and Hafu scanned him. She realized he was shaking.

"Steve, are you shaking?" She asked softly. It dawned on her twin what was happening.

"You're afraid of heights," he said. Nobody spoke as Steve gripped the seat. Dumbdog rubbed his back and they all wondered what made him so scared.

"Hey bud. It's gonna be alright," Koji whispered. Steve gripped DKs hand and let out a whimper. Nobody had ever seen Steve this afraid.

"Steve, focus on me alright? Breath for me," Hafu ordered. Steve kept shaking as flinched as the ride started to move.

Hafu pressed the button to get them off so that they could get Steve to calm down. DK was trying to keep Steve's attention.

They got off once at the bottom and found a nearby bench.

"Steve. Bud. Hey," Apollo whispered. Steve was calming down slowly but surely. Once he was breathing normally nobody spoke.

"S-sorry," he mumbled. He went to stand and leave only for 5up to pull him back down.

"Steve. Are you afraid of heights?" Koji asked. Steve nodded with red cheeks. He was embarrassed.

"Want to tell us why?" Hafu asked. He sighed, knowing he wasn't getting out of this.

"A long time ago....I-" he started. He was obviously struggling with words so they let him figure it out for a minute. "I was very suicidal. I tried to jump from a tall building," he whispered. He buried his face into Dumbdogs neck.

"Steve. Why didn't you tell us this?" 5up asked. Steve didn't answer and kept his face hidden. He didn't want to face his crew right now.

"It's not important," Steve finally mumbled loud enough for Apollo to hear. Dumbdog repeated the sentence and kept rubbing his friends back.

Nobody knew what to say. Steve was suicidal? Why didn't they know about this? Usually this was in a persons file.

"Are you still suicidal?" Koji asked what they were all thinking. Steve pulled away from Dumbdog and found himself staring at the ground.

"Sometimes bud I haven't tried anything in almost a year,"

"Steve! You've been with us for two!" DK said. Steve flinched a little and DK rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb. "Steve..." he whispered.

Nobody knew what to say

"I don't want to talk about it," Steve said and got up. He forced a smile onto his face and looked at them. "Let's go have some fun," he said. They all got up and followed him.

Among us players oneshots/headcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora