Thats not me

380 11 6

Storyline: while on earth the crew runs into someone from Dumbdogs past. But a single word can cause Dumbdogs world to shatter

In this story Dumbdog is a trans male, and he does get misgendered

Dumbdog had never felt comfortable in his own body as a kid. He was always too tall, he always hated who he was

Or should I say she?

Apollo Dumbdog was originally a female named Alex Dumbdog. But he never liked it

He hated the dresses, the shoes, the makeup. He was always the odd one out.

So by high school she was a he. The surgery happened and he was comfortable with himself. He was finally happy

He joined the corporation happily, but never once told anyone on his crew who he was originally.

He couldn't. They would hate him. He was so used to the hate that from strangers it didn't matter.

But if his friends hated him, he didn't know what he would do.

So Apollo never said a word. Not to anyone.

The crew earth as the Skeld underwent a few repairs from a rough mission.

So they were all at a restaurant, but Apollo could've never expected someone from his childhood.

His ex best friend. The one who bullied him for being trans

But the voice was recognizable the second the words flew from her mouth.

"Alex, it's been so long!" Said the voice. Hands were placed on his shoulders and he tensed. There was no mistaking that she was talking to him. "You remember me right? Peyton, your best friend?"

"Um, you must have the wrong person. We don't know an Alex," Hafu said, confusion lacing her voice.

Dumbdog knew immediately that he was was about to be outed as a laugh came from the woman's mouth

"Of course you do. Isn't that right, Alex?" She hissed the last part of the sentence. Dumbdog flinched a little

"Apollo, why is she calling you Alex?" Koji asked softly. Apollo couldn't find the words in his mouth so he didn't speak.

"Honestly, it's been such a long time. We really need to catch up," the girl said and Apollo dreaded her next words as she looked towards his crew, "she just kinda disappeared on us,"

"She? Apollo is not a girl," DK said, getting protective over his friend. The girl only laughed

"Of course. Being born a female makes you one. Right Alex?" She purred. Apollo closed his eyes, not wanting to see his teams faces.

He felt a hand grab his under the table and gripped it instinctively. He didn't know who he was holding onto, but he wasn't gonna let go.

"Enough. You are clearly upsetting him. And you are ruining this evening for us. Now leave," Janet hissed, standing up for Apollo.

"She is not a boy. And she never will be," the girl hissed. In two seconds Apollo had jumped up and ran.

He didn't know where he was going or who he was going to, but he needed out. Who was on earth? Who could he go to?

He could hear his name being called out and her laughter above everything.

He ran for a while, not knowing how long he had been running for. Arms grabbed his waist and pulled him to the floor.

Apollo's chest tightened a little and then he couldn't breath. Tears fell down his face and he couldn't quite make out words being spoken.

"Apollo," was the one he picked up. The voice made him feel safe again. He clung onto the man for dear life

"Chilled?" He whispered, having not seen his former commander in a long time

"I'm here Apollo. I thought you were gonna tell them," Chilled said softly. He readjusted Apollo so the man was facing him.

Dumbdog was in shock for a moment before he remembered that Chilled knew. He forgot he has told his original team, most of them knew him when he was Alex

"I couldn't. I was going to then I was scared,"

"Why? I mean, you have a great crew. Why would they ever hate you?"

"Because I never thought Peyton would, and look how that turned out!"

"I know. Ok? But you scared your crew, you didn't answer and they couldn't catch you. Thankfully I know where you were heading," Chilled whispered.

Apollo forgot how safe he felt with Chilled, how protected.

"Why are you here? On earth?"

"A break. Besides, I heard your crew was here and I was gonna come see you,"

"I missed you,"

"I missed you too Apollo, the ship hasn't been the same without you. But right now your team is worried,"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"I know. Come on, let's go back to the restaurant," Chilled whispered in Dumbdogs ear. The taller man shook his head.

"Not if she's there,"

"She shouldn't be. Once you ran, 5up called for a manager. They should be kicking her out," Chilled whispered. Apollo leaned into his chest, feeling safe for the first time in a long time

So they made the walk back. Apollo clutched onto Chilled's hand.

"I wanna go back with you," Apollo spoke softly, Chilled looked over to him

"You want to come back to my ship?"

"Yeah. I really do,"

"That's your choice, you know you would be welcome with us,"

They made it back and he was immediately greeted with repeated voices. Chilled got a chair and sat next to Apollo in order to keep him calm

Peyton was being dragged out by security. Dumbdog was thankful, but he missed his crew. He would miss everyone here too but he knew what he wanted. He wanted to be close to Chilled

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