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Storyline: Steve has been dared by his chat that for a week he has to call DK 'Sweetheart'(like a couple) but the catch? He can't tell the purple man. If he manages to complete this he gets $100.

A/N-I dont why this popped into my head but it's killing me with laughter so....

"Fine. I accept your deal chat!" Steve declared. Not ready for the week at all. It's fine. All he had to do was make it to the next Monday without slipping up on DKs name. This should be......hard? easy? Interesting? All of the above.

Monday(day accepted)
Steve joined the VC and saw it was Hafu and DK joking with each other.

"Hey Hafu. Hey sweetheart," he said. He heard DK choke and Hafu start to die of laughter.

"I'm sorry. Did you just call me Sweetheart?" DK asked as his face turned red. Steve had a slight flush to his cheeks and scoffed.

"Steven Suptic! He so did!" Hafu said with a laugh. DK bit his lip as a teasing smile appeared on his face.

"Awwww Steve," he said and earned another scoff from the red player.

"Shut the fuck up Sweetheart," he said as more players joined.

"I'm sorry. What did I just hear?" Apollo asked and Steve glared at his camera. He muted for a second and groaned.

"This will be a long week," he muttered and Hafu started the game. He managed to make it through the first day without incident. After the lobby it was him and DK while they streamed and they were just talking.

"Wanna tell me why you keep calling me Sweetheart or?" DK started. Steve tried to brush it off with a shrug.

"Why shouldn't I sweetheart?" He said with a teasing tone. He knew DKs face was red, it had been like that all day.

"I hate you Suptic," he murmured in response and they both ended their streams. He closed his eyes and sighed. This might be more fun than he thought.

It was Valorant day. Apollo and DK were talking when Steve joined in.

"Hey bud. Hey sweetheart," he said to Apollo and DK. DK groaned and his face went red again.

"We're still doing this?" He asked and Steve hummed in response as a smile appeared on his face. 5up joined early for once just to talk to the boys.

"Hey guys!" He said.

"Hey 5up!" Steve greeted and tried to avoid the purple mans question.

"Steve don't avoid this! Tell me!!" DK said with a fake whininess in his voice.

"What's happening?" The pink player asked with a very confused voice. Dumbdog explained that Steve was still doing the sweetheart thing. "Steve, why are you doing this?"

"That's what I wanna know!!" DK exclaimed. Steve bit his lip with a teasing smile on his face once more.

"Awwww Sweetheart. You'll find out soon enough," he said, leaving it kinda ominous. DK looked confused at his camera for a second before they all logged onto valo.

A few almost slip ups and Steve finally ended his stream. Yeah. Definitely gonna be a long week.

The crew decided to play among us again and Scott was playing. He hadn't heard the whole sweetheart thing so they managed to make it to a meeting before Steve had to address DK.

"Hey sweetheart. Wanna tell me your path from this round," Steve asked and Scott fell out of his chair in shock.

"I'm sorry. Who did he just-" Smajor started to ask only for DK to respond. "I'm sorry. Did I miss something,"

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