Solitary Confinement(pt. 2)

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Requested by @ScorpioLuna1105

There's also two different endings here so...

Peter watched as Toast followed the man out. He couldn't tell if Toast had broke or if Toast was trying to protect him. Either way he was scared

Toast had told him to go back to Mira. Mira for crying out loud. He didn't ask to be saved, he didn't ask for help. He was gonna stay here.

Peter knew better than to disobey direct ordered from Toast. He knew he wasn't supposed to. But he was gonna do it anyway.

Peter pulled his gun and followed close behind them. Out of sight though. Toast had no emotions on his face and didn't seem to like anything right now.

Peter knew Toast hated being alone, and if he refused to tell them, he would be alone again. But who knows how broken Toast was.

The answer was not very. He didn't want to go back in the white room. He didn't want to be alone again. Truth be told, he wanted Peter.

He looked at the man in front of him. Toast only had two options here, and he didn't like either of them.

"I'm not telling you shit," he said. His voice cracked and he sounded weak. Weak! Toast wanted to scream.

"Really now? I think a few more months in that room might change your mind," the man hissed. Toast felt hands on his shoulders and tensed.

They knew the way to break him. But he wasn't broken yet.

"I'm not afraid of you," He whispered. He couldn't talk loudly and the man grabbed him by his hair.

"Put him back in that room. More guards this time. He's never gonna see his precious Peter again," the man hissed. Toast tried to hold back a whimper and failed.

He found himself back in the room shortly after. The same room he knew every inch of. The same room he hated.

Toast hated himself. He let himself be caught. He hadn't done well on the mission. Of course it was his fault.

But Peter was back on Mira. Safe. Peter never disobeyed a direct order from Toast so why would he start now.

Peter crept through the guards. Snapping one neck after the other. Silently as possible. He heard a gun cock.

"I though Toast told you to go home. And yet you still come back!" He said. Peter looked at him.

"It's one thing to threaten me, it's another to hurt my boyfriend!" Peter growled. He moved quickly and fired his own gun.

The man crumpled to the ground, dead. Peter turned to look at the rest of the guards and they scattered. Running away in fear.

Toast looked up as the door opened. It had not been that long right? Peter walked in. Toast stared in shock.

"I told you to go back to Mira," Toast said. Peter knelt down next to him and cupped his cheek in one hand.

"And I didn't listen. They're all dead. Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah," Toast whispered. He felt Peter pick him up this time though and shot a small glare to the man.

He didn't offer any resistance though as he was carried to a dropship that would bring them back to Mira.

Toast buried his face into Peters neck though. He wasn't gonna let go for a long time. And sure as hell, he was going home.

The answer was very broken. He was shoved into the seat roughly and stared up at the man.

"So Toast, would you like to tell us anything about the Skeld and it's crew. Or would you rather go the room again?"

The threat made a big mark on Toast. He flinched back and didn't try to hide a whimper. Fuck everything else. No way was he going back to that room.

Toast said everything he knew. From every members weakness to the best way to enter the Skeld.

Peter watched in shock. Never would he have thought that Toast would be this broken. This scared. This different.

A gun fired and Toast turned in time to see Peter crumple to the floor. A scream came from someone and Toast realized it was himself.

He moved to his boyfriends side and pulled the body to his chest. Another gun and sharp pain flooded through Toasts body. Blood poured from the bullet wound in his stomach.

He dropped Peter onto his back and curled up next to the still warm body. Toast knew he deserved to die but Peter didn't.

"I'm so sorry Peter," he finally whispered and let the darkness take over

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