Its my party

370 9 3

Storyline: the crew seems to have forgotten Steve's birthday and he's heart broken

It was his birthday, or it had been so far. It had been a shitty birthday. He was sitting on his bed, he had his knees pulled to his chest.

His boyfriend, Apollo, had been gone all day. DK, his partner, was ignoring him. Koji, his best friend, was pretending he didn't exist.

"I thought they cared about me," he whispered to himself. He started to cry softly and wiped the tears away.

The door opened and he glanced up. Ellum had walked in and glanced at Steve.

"Hafu wants you," he said and left. Steve sighed and took a breath. He slowly stood up and headed to the cafeteria.

The lights were off but popped back on as he entered. Balloons and streamers hung sound the room.

A banner that read happy birthday hung from the entrance. He flinched as a hand rested on his shoulder.

"Happy birthday Steven," DK said. Steve was speechless for the first time in his life.

"Happy birthday baby," Apollo said and walked over. He pecked Steve's lips.

"I-what? I thought you were on a mission with Scott?" Steve said. Music started to play and a party started up.

People started to wish him happy birthday. It was his crew, and Mira crew. Well, they were currently on Mira.

Steve felt Apollo nuzzle him and he smiled happily. Apollo walked off quickly and DK grabbed Steve's hand.

He was pulled onto the dance floor by his partner and laughed.

"DK!" He said and a smile crossed his partners face. DK pulled Steve across the floor and smirked when he saw Scott looking jealous at the side.

"Haha. Scott's jealous," DK teased as they went by. Steve couldn't stop laughing.

"Who set all this up?" Steve asked finally. DK glanced over at Apollo who was watching them with an amused look

"Apollo. Wanted to surprise you," DK said and they walked off the dance floor. Steve made his way over to his boyfriend.

He pulled Dumbdog onto the floor and smiled at him.

"I love you Apollo. Thanks for doing all of this," Steve whispered. Apollo smiled and laughed as he was spun.

"That traitor!" He said with a laugh, referring to DK. Steve smiled and stopped him. He pulled Apollo close but before they could kiss a loud bang went off

"I'm back~" came the voice of Cib

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