Best pairs

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So this one strays a little more than my normal one but I figured I would tell y'all some of my favorite imposter pairs. Who are the best pairs in y'all's opinion

From the way that 5up and Hafu work together to the way that they convince people I think it's safe to say that 5fu always wins. They might not be related by blood but they sure do act like twins.

Dumb and dumber
My favorite duo ever. From sweeping their games in almost one round to just causing chaos and throwing as crew. Dumb and dumber might not be the smartest but they sure are hilarious.

Daft and dafter
The knockoff versions. Daft and dafter are the British versions of our own Dumb and dumber. They have energy and jokes that don't compare but they sure do make a funny team.

Koji and Steve
From Steve's helpless flirting to Kojis jokes back these two are great. They might not be able to win a game if they wanted but hey. We all have our flaws.

Ellum and DK
Dumb and Daft basically. The other half of the other two make a great duo themselves. The jokes and hopeless flirting from Ellum to DKs responses and sweetness. Together these two make unlikely friends

While Steve might cause chaos and the mom of the group is calmer, they do make a good team. Hafus smartness paired with Steve's stupidity makes for a surprising team.

Dumbdog and Steve are one of my favorite teams. The way Steve just fails with Dumbdog trying to help or Dumbdog trying to keep his friend under control. They give off great vibes and are one of the best.

Two of the smartest players teamed up? The lobby might drop into a bit of chaos. Really though, when they were one player, it made such an unlikely team that it surprised me. I guess you can't expect the unexpected after all.

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