Too much

396 6 0

Storyline: Steve's had too much, and doesn't want to deserve anything. But at least he has a friend


Steve sat in his room, sitting on the floor. He shirt was off and he was shaking.

DK had gone on a solo recon and was found dead. Body was bloody and mangled. He was not coming back.

Steve's back was up against his bed as he hugged one of his partners pillows to his chest.

A knock on the door started him back to life. He looked over as it cracked open, someone walking in.

Ellum sat down next to Steve in silence. Steve had nothing to say to the man, or anyone for that matter

"Steve, I'm so sorry," Ellum whispered. He placed an arm around Steve's waist and pulled the man to his side.

Steve couldn't take anymore and burst into tears then and there. He hated to cry in front of people, but right now he couldn't help it.

Everything in the world was too much right now, and DKs death send him over the edge.

Ellum spoke softly and pulled Steve onto his lap, rubbing circles on his back in order to calm the man down

"I'm so sorry it happened this way," Ellum said. Steve cried harder and pressed his face into Ellums neck, clinging on for fear life.

Ellum had never seen his friend so...broken. He held on tightly to Steve's waist, keeping the man on his lap.

"Why did it have to be him? Why can't it be me? I fuck everything up anyways!" Steve cried . Ellum was taken aback by Steve's words

"Steve, you do not fuck everything up. You never have. You make things better. DK didn't deserve this, nobody did,"

"I should've fought harder to go with him!" Steve said. He had been so against DK going on the recon mission alone but Hafu got a sharp tone and he gave in

"I know but it's not your fault baby," Ellum spoke softly into his ear.

"Then why does it feel like it?" Steve whimpered and Ellum made their eyes meet

"Because you miss him. Yeah?"


"Just try to rest a little bit. Ok? I'll leave you alone now," Ellum said and started to get up. Steve gripped onto him and held him down, remaining on his lap

"Stay. Please?" Steve whispered. Ellum put up no fight against it and remained there without argument

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